Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts

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Nicole (Rego Park, NY) on 08/07/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV is a life saver!! at least so far. im on my second day, third treatment and i can SEE and FEEL it working!!!! at first i didnt feel any stinging or burning as everyone had mentioned so i was dissapointed, but I applied it again and noticed one wart had turned white and the other black. i was sooooo relieved because after reading all the other posts i knew this meant it was working! the third application burned, but its soooo relieving because you know they are going to be gone in no time!

i would suggest using medical tape instead of bandaids because i tried using bandaids the first time and after the soaked cotton ball touched the bandaid it lost it's stickiness. it was quite frustrating. with medical tape you can kinda pin down the soaked cotton ball in place.

i cannot tell u how happy i am to have found this cure. i had been using aldera for some time with NO results. do not spend your money on anything else but ACV!! you can find it at any supermarket for only $2!!!!!

it's nice to know that there are so many others out there like me. i felt soooooo disgusted when these warts appeared because of HPV. i've only had 3 sex partners and i couldnt believe i was a victim to this!!!!

good luck to all :)


Jeremy (Uptown, USA) on 08/07/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

This is the first review I have written, ever. For me I noticed bumps around the anal region. After some research realized they were indeed anal warts. Scared me to death! I am not very sexually active and have been abstinant for a long time. I had no idea how I had gotten them or when. At first I looked online for a remedy and ran across a somewhat expennsive oil. I had every intention of trying it once I got the funds. But without it I still kept looking til I found this site. I tried the acv remedy and it worked like a charm. You wold never know now that I had a wart in my life.

I used the cotton ball method of soaking it in ACV then just placing it on anal region and leaving it. I did this during the day since the stinging would've made sleeping a bit difficult. After 3 days, maybe 2-4 hours per day all the warts just fell off while i was talking a hot bath! Yes It does sting a little bit, but nothing compared to the relief of having them gone.

Also i have an idea for the removal of them if they are a little ways inside the rectum. I think that if one was to insert a cotton tampon, then remove the cardboard thingy and soak the cotton with ACV it should still work. Havent tried that but sounds feasible.
Thanks so much for peace of mind J


Cathy (Mdtn, NY) on 08/07/2008:
1 out of 5 stars


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Kara (New Bedford, MA) on 08/06/2008:
4 out of 5 stars

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I don't want to speak too soon, but I think this is actually working. I am on night two of ACV treatment-- a couple hours of holding cottonball to affected cluster, and pieces of the larger ones have already fallen off and there is new skin underneath. It doesn't burn as much at all, it's just the smell that gets to me. But I'm hoping in a couple more days they will be completely gone. I also treated them a bit this morning. I make sure I sure before or after and I use aloe vera after every treatment. I was just diagnosed yesterday and was so afraid I would have to pay a large amounts of money, not to mention they could not see me for another THREE MONTHS at the OBGYN. I will update in another couple days to let you all know how it's going.

Pete (San Diego, CA) on 08/01/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

This is a follow up on my October 13, 2007 posting.

After I tried garlic/ACV the warts disappeared but about a month later they reappeared, with old ones and new ones coming out, and lots of itching. I was desperate, and was ready to go to the doctor again as I thought the home remedy was not being effective after all.

But I decided to give it another chance. I left out all vitamin supplements, and the garlic, and ONLY use ACV. I soaked a piece of cotton in ACV, and left it in place where the warts were, for a full two days and nights, which was painful and had to take a couple of days off from the treatment to allow the place to heal. Then I did again two more days, but this time the area became too raw and painful, so I stopped the treatment. The superficial layer of skin peeled off, and the warts literally came off. A dark patch where some warts had been cryogenically removed some months before (and where the warts had come back too) came off also.

It is very important to keep the area as dry and clean as you possibly can. Remember that the ACV is an acid, and it will cause a chemical burn. Depending on how long the ACV contacts your skin, the ACV can damage the skin, so be careful not to push it too much. Apparently, the tissue the warts are made of is more susceptible to acid attack that the surrounding skin, nonetheless, the surrounding skin will definitely be affected as well, so be very careful.

It took about two to three weeks for the area to totally heal. No scars were left whatsoever, and the area that had been darkened by the cryogen treatment was regenerated to normal skin. So no marks of any kind anywhere.

I have been symptom-free for more than 8 months since that ACV treatment. Am so happy I decided to stick with the ACV, which saved me from embarrassment at the doctor, and from some very expensive bills. I feel better about myself not having these darned warts that made my life miserable and made me feel ashamed. I know, however, that the virus may still be in my system, but I know how to treat it now.

Best of luck to all.


Jane (Charlottetown, Canada) on 07/31/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

After having weird bumps around my vagina that felt like ingrown hairs, I found a bunch of little genital warts inside my vagina almost all the way to my cervix.

I read about using apple cider vinegar on this site, so I thought I'd give it a try before going to my doctor who is always booked for weeks.

At first I tried diluting it and using it as a douche, but that didn't seem to work (about 2 tsp in about a cup of water). So then I tried putting straight ACV on cotton balls and putting them directly on top of the warts. I used the cheapy ACV from the grocery store and left the cotton balls in place overnight. This worked perfectly - they started to disappear within 12 hours and are now almost completely gone.

It definitly burns when you first put them in (especially if you get any on your labia etc.), but it goes away after about 30 seconds and is totally worth it. The whole area also gets a bit tender after its been exposed to a vinegary environment for two days, but I'm thinking that will settle down when I stop using it. I'll report back when they're all gone.

Also, I tried using ACV on the ingrown hair-ish bumps, but that doesn't seem to do anything. They seemed to start going away when I just left them alone.

REPLY   1      

Cathy (Middletown, New York) on 07/31/2008:
1 out of 5 stars


Sarah (Norfolk, Virginia) on 07/26/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I was recently diagnosed with Genital Warts..about 4 days ago..The warts were mostly around my anal area and the health dept wouldnt treat me with the TCA? stuff..because of the tissue in that area so after going to 3 different doctors in a matter of 2 days trying to get rid of these things I finally made an appointment with a general surgeon but it was gonna take 2 weeks just to get a consult..I decided that I would try to see what the internet had to offer..I was so excited to find this site..after reading how quickly using ACV had gotten rid of other peoples warts I said why not and decided to try it...I started the treatment yesterday about 2pm and by this morning most of my warts were gone..I just soaked a cotton ball in ACV and placed it where the warts were and left it alone for about an hour or 2...Yes, I will admit it did have alittle of a sting to it the 1st couple of times I did this..but its well worth the pain just to have them gone so quickly!...Thank you guys so much!

Jonathan (Saskatoon, Canada) on 07/24/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ok day three. I have definite scabs on most if not all warts. This looks very promising i applied the acv for thirty min in the morning and once again whit and swollon the warts became, but the scabs are very prominant now so at nite i put on the polysporin. Did the same thing in the morning. So in conclusion if this has worked as planned three days of treatments and about a week of healing to get rid of ALL the warts vs. one freezing wait ten days do it again.... and it might not work. This way is much better safer and faster. Will keep updating from time to time but unless somthing happens drastically all will heal and i will get back to a normal loving life.

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John (San Sebastian, Spain) on 07/21/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

RONG>Apple Cider Vinegar for genital warts: When I read in this site that in three days you could get rid of genital warts using Apple Cider Vinegar, I thought it could work, but not in such a little time... this is what I did:

.- First day I applied a small cotton ball soaked in ACV in my anus (two or three small warts were growing there) for about 1 hour after showering. It didn't burn at all.

.- Second day I applied a medium cotton ball soaked in ACV for more than an hour. It burned just a little. Later in the day, after showering at night, I applied a bigger cotton ball soaked in ACV for about 2 hours. This time it burned for the first 5 minutes or so but it went gradually decreasing.

.- Third day applied a big cotton ball soaked in ACV between my butt cheeks in the morning. It really burnt (the whole area had become very irritated). I kept it in place for about 45 minutes (the burning decreased but not as fast as the day before). After I decided to rub some Aloe Vera Gel straight from the plant to soothe the whole area. It works just great !. That evening my anus was so sore that I couldn't apply any more ACV, instead I kept rubbing Aloe Vera Gel from the leave and did it for the next four or five days without using any ACV at all .... and the warts were GONE. Just three applications of ACV !!!

ACV works great on the warts ! ..... but I would advice people not to use cotton balls soaked in it as I did, because in the same way it burns the warts, it burns the sensitive skin around them......... instead I would use a Q-tip soaked in ACV to spot the wart and use a mirror if you don't have someone to do it for you.

Anyway, Thanks a lot for the help ! ACV really works! (and for the burning don't forget the Aloe Vera G


Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts

5 star (260) 
4 star (40) 
3 star (14) 
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1 star (7) 

Nicole (Rego Park, NY) on 08/07/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV is a life saver!! at least so far. im on my second day, third treatment and i can SEE and FEEL it working!!!! at first i didnt feel any stinging or burning as everyone had mentioned so i was dissapointed, but I applied it again and noticed one wart had turned white and the other black. i was sooooo relieved because after reading all the other posts i knew this meant it was working! the third application burned, but its soooo relieving because you know they are going to be gone in no time!

i would suggest using medical tape instead of bandaids because i tried using bandaids the first time and after the soaked cotton ball touched the bandaid it lost it's stickiness. it was quite frustrating. with medical tape you can kinda pin down the soaked cotton ball in place.

i cannot tell u how happy i am to have found this cure. i had been using aldera for some time with NO results. do not spend your money on anything else but ACV!! you can find it at any supermarket for only $2!!!!!

it's nice to know that there are so many others out there like me. i felt soooooo disgusted when these warts appeared because of HPV. i've only had 3 sex partners and i couldnt believe i was a victim to this!!!!

good luck to all :)


Jeremy (Uptown, USA) on 08/07/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

This is the first review I have written, ever. For me I noticed bumps around the anal region. After some research realized they were indeed anal warts. Scared me to death! I am not very sexually active and have been abstinant for a long time. I had no idea how I had gotten them or when. At first I looked online for a remedy and ran across a somewhat expennsive oil. I had every intention of trying it once I got the funds. But without it I still kept looking til I found this site. I tried the acv remedy and it worked like a charm. You wold never know now that I had a wart in my life.

I used the cotton ball method of soaking it in ACV then just placing it on anal region and leaving it. I did this during the day since the stinging would've made sleeping a bit difficult. After 3 days, maybe 2-4 hours per day all the warts just fell off while i was talking a hot bath! Yes It does sting a little bit, but nothing compared to the relief of having them gone.

Also i have an idea for the removal of them if they are a little ways inside the rectum. I think that if one was to insert a cotton tampon, then remove the cardboard thingy and soak the cotton with ACV it should still work. Havent tried that but sounds feasible.
Thanks so much for peace of mind J


Cathy (Mdtn, NY) on 08/07/2008:
1 out of 5 stars


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Kara (New Bedford, MA) on 08/06/2008:
4 out of 5 stars

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I don't want to speak too soon, but I think this is actually working. I am on night two of ACV treatment-- a couple hours of holding cottonball to affected cluster, and pieces of the larger ones have already fallen off and there is new skin underneath. It doesn't burn as much at all, it's just the smell that gets to me. But I'm hoping in a couple more days they will be completely gone. I also treated them a bit this morning. I make sure I sure before or after and I use aloe vera after every treatment. I was just diagnosed yesterday and was so afraid I would have to pay a large amounts of money, not to mention they could not see me for another THREE MONTHS at the OBGYN. I will update in another couple days to let you all know how it's going.

Pete (San Diego, CA) on 08/01/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

This is a follow up on my October 13, 2007 posting.

After I tried garlic/ACV the warts disappeared but about a month later they reappeared, with old ones and new ones coming out, and lots of itching. I was desperate, and was ready to go to the doctor again as I thought the home remedy was not being effective after all.

But I decided to give it another chance. I left out all vitamin supplements, and the garlic, and ONLY use ACV. I soaked a piece of cotton in ACV, and left it in place where the warts were, for a full two days and nights, which was painful and had to take a couple of days off from the treatment to allow the place to heal. Then I did again two more days, but this time the area became too raw and painful, so I stopped the treatment. The superficial layer of skin peeled off, and the warts literally came off. A dark patch where some warts had been cryogenically removed some months before (and where the warts had come back too) came off also.

It is very important to keep the area as dry and clean as you possibly can. Remember that the ACV is an acid, and it will cause a chemical burn. Depending on how long the ACV contacts your skin, the ACV can damage the skin, so be careful not to push it too much. Apparently, the tissue the warts are made of is more susceptible to acid attack that the surrounding skin, nonetheless, the surrounding skin will definitely be affected as well, so be very careful.

It took about two to three weeks for the area to totally heal. No scars were left whatsoever, and the area that had been darkened by the cryogen treatment was regenerated to normal skin. So no marks of any kind anywhere.

I have been symptom-free for more than 8 months since that ACV treatment. Am so happy I decided to stick with the ACV, which saved me from embarrassment at the doctor, and from some very expensive bills. I feel better about myself not having these darned warts that made my life miserable and made me feel ashamed. I know, however, that the virus may still be in my system, but I know how to treat it now.

Best of luck to all.


Jane (Charlottetown, Canada) on 07/31/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

After having weird bumps around my vagina that felt like ingrown hairs, I found a bunch of little genital warts inside my vagina almost all the way to my cervix.

I read about using apple cider vinegar on this site, so I thought I'd give it a try before going to my doctor who is always booked for weeks.

At first I tried diluting it and using it as a douche, but that didn't seem to work (about 2 tsp in about a cup of water). So then I tried putting straight ACV on cotton balls and putting them directly on top of the warts. I used the cheapy ACV from the grocery store and left the cotton balls in place overnight. This worked perfectly - they started to disappear within 12 hours and are now almost completely gone.

It definitly burns when you first put them in (especially if you get any on your labia etc.), but it goes away after about 30 seconds and is totally worth it. The whole area also gets a bit tender after its been exposed to a vinegary environment for two days, but I'm thinking that will settle down when I stop using it. I'll report back when they're all gone.

Also, I tried using ACV on the ingrown hair-ish bumps, but that doesn't seem to do anything. They seemed to start going away when I just left them alone.

REPLY   1      

Cathy (Middletown, New York) on 07/31/2008:
1 out of 5 stars


Sarah (Norfolk, Virginia) on 07/26/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I was recently diagnosed with Genital Warts..about 4 days ago..The warts were mostly around my anal area and the health dept wouldnt treat me with the TCA? stuff..because of the tissue in that area so after going to 3 different doctors in a matter of 2 days trying to get rid of these things I finally made an appointment with a general surgeon but it was gonna take 2 weeks just to get a consult..I decided that I would try to see what the internet had to offer..I was so excited to find this site..after reading how quickly using ACV had gotten rid of other peoples warts I said why not and decided to try it...I started the treatment yesterday about 2pm and by this morning most of my warts were gone..I just soaked a cotton ball in ACV and placed it where the warts were and left it alone for about an hour or 2...Yes, I will admit it did have alittle of a sting to it the 1st couple of times I did this..but its well worth the pain just to have them gone so quickly!...Thank you guys so much!

Jonathan (Saskatoon, Canada) on 07/24/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ok day three. I have definite scabs on most if not all warts. This looks very promising i applied the acv for thirty min in the morning and once again whit and swollon the warts became, but the scabs are very prominant now so at nite i put on the polysporin. Did the same thing in the morning. So in conclusion if this has worked as planned three days of treatments and about a week of healing to get rid of ALL the warts vs. one freezing wait ten days do it again.... and it might not work. This way is much better safer and faster. Will keep updating from time to time but unless somthing happens drastically all will heal and i will get back to a normal loving life.

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John (San Sebastian, Spain) on 07/21/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

RONG>Apple Cider Vinegar for genital warts: When I read in this site that in three days you could get rid of genital warts using Apple Cider Vinegar, I thought it could work, but not in such a little time... this is what I did:

.- First day I applied a small cotton ball soaked in ACV in my anus (two or three small warts were growing there) for about 1 hour after showering. It didn't burn at all.

.- Second day I applied a medium cotton ball soaked in ACV for more than an hour. It burned just a little. Later in the day, after showering at night, I applied a bigger cotton ball soaked in ACV for about 2 hours. This time it burned for the first 5 minutes or so but it went gradually decreasing.

.- Third day applied a big cotton ball soaked in ACV between my butt cheeks in the morning. It really burnt (the whole area had become very irritated). I kept it in place for about 45 minutes (the burning decreased but not as fast as the day before). After I decided to rub some Aloe Vera Gel straight from the plant to soothe the whole area. It works just great !. That evening my anus was so sore that I couldn't apply any more ACV, instead I kept rubbing Aloe Vera Gel from the leave and did it for the next four or five days without using any ACV at all .... and the warts were GONE. Just three applications of ACV !!!

ACV works great on the warts ! ..... but I would advice people not to use cotton balls soaked in it as I did, because in the same way it burns the warts, it burns the sensitive skin around them......... instead I would use a Q-tip soaked in ACV to spot the wart and use a mirror if you don't have someone to do it for you.

Anyway, Thanks a lot for the help ! ACV really works! (and for the burning don't forget the Aloe Vera G


Nicole (Rego Park, NY) on 08/07/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV is a life saver!! at least so far. im on my second day, third treatment and i can SEE and FEEL it working!!!! at first i didnt feel any stinging or burning as everyone had mentioned so i was dissapointed, but I applied it again and noticed one wart had turned white and the other black. i was sooooo relieved because after reading all the other posts i knew this meant it was working! the third application burned, but its soooo relieving because you know they are going to be gone in no time!

i would suggest using medical tape instead of bandaids because i tried using bandaids the first time and after the soaked cotton ball touched the bandaid it lost it's stickiness. it was quite frustrating. with medical tape you can kinda pin down the soaked cotton ball in place.

i cannot tell u how happy i am to have found this cure. i had been using aldera for some time with NO results. do not spend your money on anything else but ACV!! you can find it at any supermarket for only $2!!!!!

it's nice to know that there are so many others out there like me. i felt soooooo disgusted when these warts appeared because of HPV. i've only had 3 sex partners and i couldnt believe i was a victim to this!!!!

good luck to all :)


Jeremy (Uptown, USA) on 08/07/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

This is the first review I have written, ever. For me I noticed bumps around the anal region. After some research realized they were indeed anal warts. Scared me to death! I am not very sexually active and have been abstinant for a long time. I had no idea how I had gotten them or when. At first I looked online for a remedy and ran across a somewhat expennsive oil. I had every intention of trying it once I got the funds. But without it I still kept looking til I found this site. I tried the acv remedy and it worked like a charm. You wold never know now that I had a wart in my life.

I used the cotton ball method of soaking it in ACV then just placing it on anal region and leaving it. I did this during the day since the stinging would've made sleeping a bit difficult. After 3 days, maybe 2-4 hours per day all the warts just fell off while i was talking a hot bath! Yes It does sting a little bit, but nothing compared to the relief of having them gone.

Also i have an idea for the removal of them if they are a little ways inside the rectum. I think that if one was to insert a cotton tampon, then remove the cardboard thingy and soak the cotton with ACV it should still work. Havent tried that but sounds feasible.
Thanks so much for peace of mind J


Cathy (Mdtn, NY) on 08/07/2008:
1 out of 5 stars


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Kara (New Bedford, MA) on 08/06/2008:
4 out of 5 stars

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I don't want to speak too soon, but I think this is actually working. I am on night two of ACV treatment-- a couple hours of holding cottonball to affected cluster, and pieces of the larger ones have already fallen off and there is new skin underneath. It doesn't burn as much at all, it's just the smell that gets to me. But I'm hoping in a couple more days they will be completely gone. I also treated them a bit this morning. I make sure I sure before or after and I use aloe vera after every treatment. I was just diagnosed yesterday and was so afraid I would have to pay a large amounts of money, not to mention they could not see me for another THREE MONTHS at the OBGYN. I will update in another couple days to let you all know how it's going.

Pete (San Diego, CA) on 08/01/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

This is a follow up on my October 13, 2007 posting.

After I tried garlic/ACV the warts disappeared but about a month later they reappeared, with old ones and new ones coming out, and lots of itching. I was desperate, and was ready to go to the doctor again as I thought the home remedy was not being effective after all.

But I decided to give it another chance. I left out all vitamin supplements, and the garlic, and ONLY use ACV. I soaked a piece of cotton in ACV, and left it in place where the warts were, for a full two days and nights, which was painful and had to take a couple of days off from the treatment to allow the place to heal. Then I did again two more days, but this time the area became too raw and painful, so I stopped the treatment. The superficial layer of skin peeled off, and the warts literally came off. A dark patch where some warts had been cryogenically removed some months before (and where the warts had come back too) came off also.

It is very important to keep the area as dry and clean as you possibly can. Remember that the ACV is an acid, and it will cause a chemical burn. Depending on how long the ACV contacts your skin, the ACV can damage the skin, so be careful not to push it too much. Apparently, the tissue the warts are made of is more susceptible to acid attack that the surrounding skin, nonetheless, the surrounding skin will definitely be affected as well, so be very careful.

It took about two to three weeks for the area to totally heal. No scars were left whatsoever, and the area that had been darkened by the cryogen treatment was regenerated to normal skin. So no marks of any kind anywhere.

I have been symptom-free for more than 8 months since that ACV treatment. Am so happy I decided to stick with the ACV, which saved me from embarrassment at the doctor, and from some very expensive bills. I feel better about myself not having these darned warts that made my life miserable and made me feel ashamed. I know, however, that the virus may still be in my system, but I know how to treat it now.

Best of luck to all.


Jane (Charlottetown, Canada) on 07/31/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

After having weird bumps around my vagina that felt like ingrown hairs, I found a bunch of little genital warts inside my vagina almost all the way to my cervix.

I read about using apple cider vinegar on this site, so I thought I'd give it a try before going to my doctor who is always booked for weeks.

At first I tried diluting it and using it as a douche, but that didn't seem to work (about 2 tsp in about a cup of water). So then I tried putting straight ACV on cotton balls and putting them directly on top of the warts. I used the cheapy ACV from the grocery store and left the cotton balls in place overnight. This worked perfectly - they started to disappear within 12 hours and are now almost completely gone.

It definitly burns when you first put them in (especially if you get any on your labia etc.), but it goes away after about 30 seconds and is totally worth it. The whole area also gets a bit tender after its been exposed to a vinegary environment for two days, but I'm thinking that will settle down when I stop using it. I'll report back when they're all gone.

Also, I tried using ACV on the ingrown hair-ish bumps, but that doesn't seem to do anything. They seemed to start going away when I just left them alone.

REPLY   1      

Cathy (Middletown, New York) on 07/31/2008:
1 out of 5 stars


Sarah (Norfolk, Virginia) on 07/26/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I was recently diagnosed with Genital Warts..about 4 days ago..The warts were mostly around my anal area and the health dept wouldnt treat me with the TCA? stuff..because of the tissue in that area so after going to 3 different doctors in a matter of 2 days trying to get rid of these things I finally made an appointment with a general surgeon but it was gonna take 2 weeks just to get a consult..I decided that I would try to see what the internet had to offer..I was so excited to find this site..after reading how quickly using ACV had gotten rid of other peoples warts I said why not and decided to try it...I started the treatment yesterday about 2pm and by this morning most of my warts were gone..I just soaked a cotton ball in ACV and placed it where the warts were and left it alone for about an hour or 2...Yes, I will admit it did have alittle of a sting to it the 1st couple of times I did this..but its well worth the pain just to have them gone so quickly!...Thank you guys so much!

Jonathan (Saskatoon, Canada) on 07/24/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ok day three. I have definite scabs on most if not all warts. This looks very promising i applied the acv for thirty min in the morning and once again whit and swollon the warts became, but the scabs are very prominant now so at nite i put on the polysporin. Did the same thing in the morning. So in conclusion if this has worked as planned three days of treatments and about a week of healing to get rid of ALL the warts vs. one freezing wait ten days do it again.... and it might not work. This way is much better safer and faster. Will keep updating from time to time but unless somthing happens drastically all will heal and i will get back to a normal loving life.

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John (San Sebastian, Spain) on 07/21/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

RONG>Apple Cider Vinegar for genital warts: When I read in this site that in three days you could get rid of genital warts using Apple Cider Vinegar, I thought it could work, but not in such a little time... this is what I did:

.- First day I applied a small cotton ball soaked in ACV in my anus (two or three small warts were growing there) for about 1 hour after showering. It didn't burn at all.

.- Second day I applied a medium cotton ball soaked in ACV for more than an hour. It burned just a little. Later in the day, after showering at night, I applied a bigger cotton ball soaked in ACV for about 2 hours. This time it burned for the first 5 minutes or so but it went gradually decreasing.

.- Third day applied a big cotton ball soaked in ACV between my butt cheeks in the morning. It really burnt (the whole area had become very irritated). I kept it in place for about 45 minutes (the burning decreased but not as fast as the day before). After I decided to rub some Aloe Vera Gel straight from the plant to soothe the whole area. It works just great !. That evening my anus was so sore that I couldn't apply any more ACV, instead I kept rubbing Aloe Vera Gel from the leave and did it for the next four or five days without using any ACV at all .... and the warts were GONE. Just three applications of ACV !!!

ACV works great on the warts ! ..... but I would advice people not to use cotton balls soaked in it as I did, because in the same way it burns the warts, it burns the sensitive skin around them......... instead I would use a Q-tip soaked in ACV to spot the wart and use a mirror if you don't have someone to do it for you.

Anyway, Thanks a lot for the help ! ACV really works! (and for the burning don't forget the Aloe Vera G


Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts

5 star (260) 
4 star (40) 
3 star (14) 
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1 star (7) 

Nicole (Rego Park, NY) on 08/07/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV is a life saver!! at least so far. im on my second day, third treatment and i can SEE and FEEL it working!!!! at first i didnt feel any stinging or burning as everyone had mentioned so i was dissapointed, but I applied it again and noticed one wart had turned white and the other black. i was sooooo relieved because after reading all the other posts i knew this meant it was working! the third application burned, but its soooo relieving because you know they are going to be gone in no time!

i would suggest using medical tape instead of bandaids because i tried using bandaids the first time and after the soaked cotton ball touched the bandaid it lost it's stickiness. it was quite frustrating. with medical tape you can kinda pin down the soaked cotton ball in place.

i cannot tell u how happy i am to have found this cure. i had been using aldera for some time with NO results. do not spend your money on anything else but ACV!! you can find it at any supermarket for only $2!!!!!

it's nice to know that there are so many others out there like me. i felt soooooo disgusted when these warts appeared because of HPV. i've only had 3 sex partners and i couldnt believe i was a victim to this!!!!

good luck to all :)


Jeremy (Uptown, USA) on 08/07/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

This is the first review I have written, ever. For me I noticed bumps around the anal region. After some research realized they were indeed anal warts. Scared me to death! I am not very sexually active and have been abstinant for a long time. I had no idea how I had gotten them or when. At first I looked online for a remedy and ran across a somewhat expennsive oil. I had every intention of trying it once I got the funds. But without it I still kept looking til I found this site. I tried the acv remedy and it worked like a charm. You wold never know now that I had a wart in my life.

I used the cotton ball method of soaking it in ACV then just placing it on anal region and leaving it. I did this during the day since the stinging would've made sleeping a bit difficult. After 3 days, maybe 2-4 hours per day all the warts just fell off while i was talking a hot bath! Yes It does sting a little bit, but nothing compared to the relief of having them gone.

Also i have an idea for the removal of them if they are a little ways inside the rectum. I think that if one was to insert a cotton tampon, then remove the cardboard thingy and soak the cotton with ACV it should still work. Havent tried that but sounds feasible.
Thanks so much for peace of mind J


Cathy (Mdtn, NY) on 08/07/2008:
1 out of 5 stars


 View Entire Thread


Kara (New Bedford, MA) on 08/06/2008:
4 out of 5 stars

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I don't want to speak too soon, but I think this is actually working. I am on night two of ACV treatment-- a couple hours of holding cottonball to affected cluster, and pieces of the larger ones have already fallen off and there is new skin underneath. It doesn't burn as much at all, it's just the smell that gets to me. But I'm hoping in a couple more days they will be completely gone. I also treated them a bit this morning. I make sure I sure before or after and I use aloe vera after every treatment. I was just diagnosed yesterday and was so afraid I would have to pay a large amounts of money, not to mention they could not see me for another THREE MONTHS at the OBGYN. I will update in another couple days to let you all know how it's going.

Pete (San Diego, CA) on 08/01/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

This is a follow up on my October 13, 2007 posting.

After I tried garlic/ACV the warts disappeared but about a month later they reappeared, with old ones and new ones coming out, and lots of itching. I was desperate, and was ready to go to the doctor again as I thought the home remedy was not being effective after all.

But I decided to give it another chance. I left out all vitamin supplements, and the garlic, and ONLY use ACV. I soaked a piece of cotton in ACV, and left it in place where the warts were, for a full two days and nights, which was painful and had to take a couple of days off from the treatment to allow the place to heal. Then I did again two more days, but this time the area became too raw and painful, so I stopped the treatment. The superficial layer of skin peeled off, and the warts literally came off. A dark patch where some warts had been cryogenically removed some months before (and where the warts had come back too) came off also.

It is very important to keep the area as dry and clean as you possibly can. Remember that the ACV is an acid, and it will cause a chemical burn. Depending on how long the ACV contacts your skin, the ACV can damage the skin, so be careful not to push it too much. Apparently, the tissue the warts are made of is more susceptible to acid attack that the surrounding skin, nonetheless, the surrounding skin will definitely be affected as well, so be very careful.

It took about two to three weeks for the area to totally heal. No scars were left whatsoever, and the area that had been darkened by the cryogen treatment was regenerated to normal skin. So no marks of any kind anywhere.

I have been symptom-free for more than 8 months since that ACV treatment. Am so happy I decided to stick with the ACV, which saved me from embarrassment at the doctor, and from some very expensive bills. I feel better about myself not having these darned warts that made my life miserable and made me feel ashamed. I know, however, that the virus may still be in my system, but I know how to treat it now.

Best of luck to all.


Jane (Charlottetown, Canada) on 07/31/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

After having weird bumps around my vagina that felt like ingrown hairs, I found a bunch of little genital warts inside my vagina almost all the way to my cervix.

I read about using apple cider vinegar on this site, so I thought I'd give it a try before going to my doctor who is always booked for weeks.

At first I tried diluting it and using it as a douche, but that didn't seem to work (about 2 tsp in about a cup of water). So then I tried putting straight ACV on cotton balls and putting them directly on top of the warts. I used the cheapy ACV from the grocery store and left the cotton balls in place overnight. This worked perfectly - they started to disappear within 12 hours and are now almost completely gone.

It definitly burns when you first put them in (especially if you get any on your labia etc.), but it goes away after about 30 seconds and is totally worth it. The whole area also gets a bit tender after its been exposed to a vinegary environment for two days, but I'm thinking that will settle down when I stop using it. I'll report back when they're all gone.

Also, I tried using ACV on the ingrown hair-ish bumps, but that doesn't seem to do anything. They seemed to start going away when I just left them alone.

REPLY   1      

Cathy (Middletown, New York) on 07/31/2008:
1 out of 5 stars


Sarah (Norfolk, Virginia) on 07/26/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I was recently diagnosed with Genital Warts..about 4 days ago..The warts were mostly around my anal area and the health dept wouldnt treat me with the TCA? stuff..because of the tissue in that area so after going to 3 different doctors in a matter of 2 days trying to get rid of these things I finally made an appointment with a general surgeon but it was gonna take 2 weeks just to get a consult..I decided that I would try to see what the internet had to offer..I was so excited to find this site..after reading how quickly using ACV had gotten rid of other peoples warts I said why not and decided to try it...I started the treatment yesterday about 2pm and by this morning most of my warts were gone..I just soaked a cotton ball in ACV and placed it where the warts were and left it alone for about an hour or 2...Yes, I will admit it did have alittle of a sting to it the 1st couple of times I did this..but its well worth the pain just to have them gone so quickly!...Thank you guys so much!

Jonathan (Saskatoon, Canada) on 07/24/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ok day three. I have definite scabs on most if not all warts. This looks very promising i applied the acv for thirty min in the morning and once again whit and swollon the warts became, but the scabs are very prominant now so at nite i put on the polysporin. Did the same thing in the morning. So in conclusion if this has worked as planned three days of treatments and about a week of healing to get rid of ALL the warts vs. one freezing wait ten days do it again.... and it might not work. This way is much better safer and faster. Will keep updating from time to time but unless somthing happens drastically all will heal and i will get back to a normal loving life.

 View Entire Thread


John (San Sebastian, Spain) on 07/21/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

RONG>Apple Cider Vinegar for genital warts: When I read in this site that in three days you could get rid of genital warts using Apple Cider Vinegar, I thought it could work, but not in such a little time... this is what I did:

.- First day I applied a small cotton ball soaked in ACV in my anus (two or three small warts were growing there) for about 1 hour after showering. It didn't burn at all.

.- Second day I applied a medium cotton ball soaked in ACV for more than an hour. It burned just a little. Later in the day, after showering at night, I applied a bigger cotton ball soaked in ACV for about 2 hours. This time it burned for the first 5 minutes or so but it went gradually decreasing.

.- Third day applied a big cotton ball soaked in ACV between my butt cheeks in the morning. It really burnt (the whole area had become very irritated). I kept it in place for about 45 minutes (the burning decreased but not as fast as the day before). After I decided to rub some Aloe Vera Gel straight from the plant to soothe the whole area. It works just great !. That evening my anus was so sore that I couldn't apply any more ACV, instead I kept rubbing Aloe Vera Gel from the leave and did it for the next four or five days without using any ACV at all .... and the warts were GONE. Just three applications of ACV !!!

ACV works great on the warts ! ..... but I would advice people not to use cotton balls soaked in it as I did, because in the same way it burns the warts, it burns the sensitive skin around them......... instead I would use a Q-tip soaked in ACV to spot the wart and use a mirror if you don't have someone to do it for you.

Anyway, Thanks a lot for the help ! ACV really works! (and for the burning don't forget the Aloe Vera G


Nicole (Rego Park, NY) on 08/07/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV is a life saver!! at least so far. im on my second day, third treatment and i can SEE and FEEL it working!!!! at first i didnt feel any stinging or burning as everyone had mentioned so i was dissapointed, but I applied it again and noticed one wart had turned white and the other black. i was sooooo relieved because after reading all the other posts i knew this meant it was working! the third application burned, but its soooo relieving because you know they are going to be gone in no time!

i would suggest using medical tape instead of bandaids because i tried using bandaids the first time and after the soaked cotton ball touched the bandaid it lost it's stickiness. it was quite frustrating. with medical tape you can kinda pin down the soaked cotton ball in place.

i cannot tell u how happy i am to have found this cure. i had been using aldera for some time with NO results. do not spend your money on anything else but ACV!! you can find it at any supermarket for only $2!!!!!

it's nice to know that there are so many others out there like me. i felt soooooo disgusted when these warts appeared because of HPV. i've only had 3 sex partners and i couldnt believe i was a victim to this!!!!

good luck to all :)


Jeremy (Uptown, USA) on 08/07/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

This is the first review I have written, ever. For me I noticed bumps around the anal region. After some research realized they were indeed anal warts. Scared me to death! I am not very sexually active and have been abstinant for a long time. I had no idea how I had gotten them or when. At first I looked online for a remedy and ran across a somewhat expennsive oil. I had every intention of trying it once I got the funds. But without it I still kept looking til I found this site. I tried the acv remedy and it worked like a charm. You wold never know now that I had a wart in my life.

I used the cotton ball method of soaking it in ACV then just placing it on anal region and leaving it. I did this during the day since the stinging would've made sleeping a bit difficult. After 3 days, maybe 2-4 hours per day all the warts just fell off while i was talking a hot bath! Yes It does sting a little bit, but nothing compared to the relief of having them gone.

Also i have an idea for the removal of them if they are a little ways inside the rectum. I think that if one was to insert a cotton tampon, then remove the cardboard thingy and soak the cotton with ACV it should still work. Havent tried that but sounds feasible.
Thanks so much for peace of mind J


Cathy (Mdtn, NY) on 08/07/2008:
1 out of 5 stars


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Kara (New Bedford, MA) on 08/06/2008:
4 out of 5 stars

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I don't want to speak too soon, but I think this is actually working. I am on night two of ACV treatment-- a couple hours of holding cottonball to affected cluster, and pieces of the larger ones have already fallen off and there is new skin underneath. It doesn't burn as much at all, it's just the smell that gets to me. But I'm hoping in a couple more days they will be completely gone. I also treated them a bit this morning. I make sure I sure before or after and I use aloe vera after every treatment. I was just diagnosed yesterday and was so afraid I would have to pay a large amounts of money, not to mention they could not see me for another THREE MONTHS at the OBGYN. I will update in another couple days to let you all know how it's going.

Pete (San Diego, CA) on 08/01/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

This is a follow up on my October 13, 2007 posting.

After I tried garlic/ACV the warts disappeared but about a month later they reappeared, with old ones and new ones coming out, and lots of itching. I was desperate, and was ready to go to the doctor again as I thought the home remedy was not being effective after all.

But I decided to give it another chance. I left out all vitamin supplements, and the garlic, and ONLY use ACV. I soaked a piece of cotton in ACV, and left it in place where the warts were, for a full two days and nights, which was painful and had to take a couple of days off from the treatment to allow the place to heal. Then I did again two more days, but this time the area became too raw and painful, so I stopped the treatment. The superficial layer of skin peeled off, and the warts literally came off. A dark patch where some warts had been cryogenically removed some months before (and where the warts had come back too) came off also.

It is very important to keep the area as dry and clean as you possibly can. Remember that the ACV is an acid, and it will cause a chemical burn. Depending on how long the ACV contacts your skin, the ACV can damage the skin, so be careful not to push it too much. Apparently, the tissue the warts are made of is more susceptible to acid attack that the surrounding skin, nonetheless, the surrounding skin will definitely be affected as well, so be very careful.

It took about two to three weeks for the area to totally heal. No scars were left whatsoever, and the area that had been darkened by the cryogen treatment was regenerated to normal skin. So no marks of any kind anywhere.

I have been symptom-free for more than 8 months since that ACV treatment. Am so happy I decided to stick with the ACV, which saved me from embarrassment at the doctor, and from some very expensive bills. I feel better about myself not having these darned warts that made my life miserable and made me feel ashamed. I know, however, that the virus may still be in my system, but I know how to treat it now.

Best of luck to all.


Jane (Charlottetown, Canada) on 07/31/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

After having weird bumps around my vagina that felt like ingrown hairs, I found a bunch of little genital warts inside my vagina almost all the way to my cervix.

I read about using apple cider vinegar on this site, so I thought I'd give it a try before going to my doctor who is always booked for weeks.

At first I tried diluting it and using it as a douche, but that didn't seem to work (about 2 tsp in about a cup of water). So then I tried putting straight ACV on cotton balls and putting them directly on top of the warts. I used the cheapy ACV from the grocery store and left the cotton balls in place overnight. This worked perfectly - they started to disappear within 12 hours and are now almost completely gone.

It definitly burns when you first put them in (especially if you get any on your labia etc.), but it goes away after about 30 seconds and is totally worth it. The whole area also gets a bit tender after its been exposed to a vinegary environment for two days, but I'm thinking that will settle down when I stop using it. I'll report back when they're all gone.

Also, I tried using ACV on the ingrown hair-ish bumps, but that doesn't seem to do anything. They seemed to start going away when I just left them alone.

REPLY   1      

Cathy (Middletown, New York) on 07/31/2008:
1 out of 5 stars


Sarah (Norfolk, Virginia) on 07/26/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I was recently diagnosed with Genital Warts..about 4 days ago..The warts were mostly around my anal area and the health dept wouldnt treat me with the TCA? stuff..because of the tissue in that area so after going to 3 different doctors in a matter of 2 days trying to get rid of these things I finally made an appointment with a general surgeon but it was gonna take 2 weeks just to get a consult..I decided that I would try to see what the internet had to offer..I was so excited to find this site..after reading how quickly using ACV had gotten rid of other peoples warts I said why not and decided to try it...I started the treatment yesterday about 2pm and by this morning most of my warts were gone..I just soaked a cotton ball in ACV and placed it where the warts were and left it alone for about an hour or 2...Yes, I will admit it did have alittle of a sting to it the 1st couple of times I did this..but its well worth the pain just to have them gone so quickly!...Thank you guys so much!

Jonathan (Saskatoon, Canada) on 07/24/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ok day three. I have definite scabs on most if not all warts. This looks very promising i applied the acv for thirty min in the morning and once again whit and swollon the warts became, but the scabs are very prominant now so at nite i put on the polysporin. Did the same thing in the morning. So in conclusion if this has worked as planned three days of treatments and about a week of healing to get rid of ALL the warts vs. one freezing wait ten days do it again.... and it might not work. This way is much better safer and faster. Will keep updating from time to time but unless somthing happens drastically all will heal and i will get back to a normal loving life.

 View Entire Thread


John (San Sebastian, Spain) on 07/21/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

RONG>Apple Cider Vinegar for genital warts: When I read in this site that in three days you could get rid of genital warts using Apple Cider Vinegar, I thought it could work, but not in such a little time... this is what I did:

.- First day I applied a small cotton ball soaked in ACV in my anus (two or three small warts were growing there) for about 1 hour after showering. It didn't burn at all.

.- Second day I applied a medium cotton ball soaked in ACV for more than an hour. It burned just a little. Later in the day, after showering at night, I applied a bigger cotton ball soaked in ACV for about 2 hours. This time it burned for the first 5 minutes or so but it went gradually decreasing.

.- Third day applied a big cotton ball soaked in ACV between my butt cheeks in the morning. It really burnt (the whole area had become very irritated). I kept it in place for about 45 minutes (the burning decreased but not as fast as the day before). After I decided to rub some Aloe Vera Gel straight from the plant to soothe the whole area. It works just great !. That evening my anus was so sore that I couldn't apply any more ACV, instead I kept rubbing Aloe Vera Gel from the leave and did it for the next four or five days without using any ACV at all .... and the warts were GONE. Just three applications of ACV !!!

ACV works great on the warts ! ..... but I would advice people not to use cotton balls soaked in it as I did, because in the same way it burns the warts, it burns the sensitive skin around them......... instead I would use a Q-tip soaked in ACV to spot the wart and use a mirror if you don't have someone to do it for you.

Anyway, Thanks a lot for the help ! ACV really works! (and for the burning don't forget the Aloe Vera G


Nicole (Rego Park, NY) on 08/07/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV is a life saver!! at least so far. im on my second day, third treatment and i can SEE and FEEL it working!!!! at first i didnt feel any stinging or burning as everyone had mentioned so i was dissapointed, but I applied it again and noticed one wart had turned white and the other black. i was sooooo relieved because after reading all the other posts i knew this meant it was working! the third application burned, but its soooo relieving because you know they are going to be gone in no time!

i would suggest using medical tape instead of bandaids because i tried using bandaids the first time and after the soaked cotton ball touched the bandaid it lost it's stickiness. it was quite frustrating. with medical tape you can kinda pin down the soaked cotton ball in place.

i cannot tell u how happy i am to have found this cure. i had been using aldera for some time with NO results. do not spend your money on anything else but ACV!! you can find it at any supermarket for only $2!!!!!

it's nice to know that there are so many others out there like me. i felt soooooo disgusted when these warts appeared because of HPV. i've only had 3 sex partners and i couldnt believe i was a victim to this!!!!

good luck to all :)


Jeremy (Uptown, USA) on 08/07/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

This is the first review I have written, ever. For me I noticed bumps around the anal region. After some research realized they were indeed anal warts. Scared me to death! I am not very sexually active and have been abstinant for a long time. I had no idea how I had gotten them or when. At first I looked online for a remedy and ran across a somewhat expennsive oil. I had every intention of trying it once I got the funds. But without it I still kept looking til I found this site. I tried the acv remedy and it worked like a charm. You wold never know now that I had a wart in my life.

I used the cotton ball method of soaking it in ACV then just placing it on anal region and leaving it. I did this during the day since the stinging would've made sleeping a bit difficult. After 3 days, maybe 2-4 hours per day all the warts just fell off while i was talking a hot bath! Yes It does sting a little bit, but nothing compared to the relief of having them gone.

Also i have an idea for the removal of them if they are a little ways inside the rectum. I think that if one was to insert a cotton tampon, then remove the cardboard thingy and soak the cotton with ACV it should still work. Havent tried that but sounds feasible.
Thanks so much for peace of mind J


Cathy (Mdtn, NY) on 08/07/2008:
1 out of 5 stars


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Kara (New Bedford, MA) on 08/06/2008:
4 out of 5 stars

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I don't want to speak too soon, but I think this is actually working. I am on night two of ACV treatment-- a couple hours of holding cottonball to affected cluster, and pieces of the larger ones have already fallen off and there is new skin underneath. It doesn't burn as much at all, it's just the smell that gets to me. But I'm hoping in a couple more days they will be completely gone. I also treated them a bit this morning. I make sure I sure before or after and I use aloe vera after every treatment. I was just diagnosed yesterday and was so afraid I would have to pay a large amounts of money, not to mention they could not see me for another THREE MONTHS at the OBGYN. I will update in another couple days to let you all know how it's going.

Pete (San Diego, CA) on 08/01/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

This is a follow up on my October 13, 2007 posting.

After I tried garlic/ACV the warts disappeared but about a month later they reappeared, with old ones and new ones coming out, and lots of itching. I was desperate, and was ready to go to the doctor again as I thought the home remedy was not being effective after all.

But I decided to give it another chance. I left out all vitamin supplements, and the garlic, and ONLY use ACV. I soaked a piece of cotton in ACV, and left it in place where the warts were, for a full two days and nights, which was painful and had to take a couple of days off from the treatment to allow the place to heal. Then I did again two more days, but this time the area became too raw and painful, so I stopped the treatment. The superficial layer of skin peeled off, and the warts literally came off. A dark patch where some warts had been cryogenically removed some months before (and where the warts had come back too) came off also.

It is very important to keep the area as dry and clean as you possibly can. Remember that the ACV is an acid, and it will cause a chemical burn. Depending on how long the ACV contacts your skin, the ACV can damage the skin, so be careful not to push it too much. Apparently, the tissue the warts are made of is more susceptible to acid attack that the surrounding skin, nonetheless, the surrounding skin will definitely be affected as well, so be very careful.

It took about two to three weeks for the area to totally heal. No scars were left whatsoever, and the area that had been darkened by the cryogen treatment was regenerated to normal skin. So no marks of any kind anywhere.

I have been symptom-free for more than 8 months since that ACV treatment. Am so happy I decided to stick with the ACV, which saved me from embarrassment at the doctor, and from some very expensive bills. I feel better about myself not having these darned warts that made my life miserable and made me feel ashamed. I know, however, that the virus may still be in my system, but I know how to treat it now.

Best of luck to all.


Jane (Charlottetown, Canada) on 07/31/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

After having weird bumps around my vagina that felt like ingrown hairs, I found a bunch of little genital warts inside my vagina almost all the way to my cervix.

I read about using apple cider vinegar on this site, so I thought I'd give it a try before going to my doctor who is always booked for weeks.

At first I tried diluting it and using it as a douche, but that didn't seem to work (about 2 tsp in about a cup of water). So then I tried putting straight ACV on cotton balls and putting them directly on top of the warts. I used the cheapy ACV from the grocery store and left the cotton balls in place overnight. This worked perfectly - they started to disappear within 12 hours and are now almost completely gone.

It definitly burns when you first put them in (especially if you get any on your labia etc.), but it goes away after about 30 seconds and is totally worth it. The whole area also gets a bit tender after its been exposed to a vinegary environment for two days, but I'm thinking that will settle down when I stop using it. I'll report back when they're all gone.

Also, I tried using ACV on the ingrown hair-ish bumps, but that doesn't seem to do anything. They seemed to start going away when I just left them alone.

REPLY   1      

Cathy (Middletown, New York) on 07/31/2008:
1 out of 5 stars


Sarah (Norfolk, Virginia) on 07/26/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I was recently diagnosed with Genital Warts..about 4 days ago..The warts were mostly around my anal area and the health dept wouldnt treat me with the TCA? stuff..because of the tissue in that area so after going to 3 different doctors in a matter of 2 days trying to get rid of these things I finally made an appointment with a general surgeon but it was gonna take 2 weeks just to get a consult..I decided that I would try to see what the internet had to offer..I was so excited to find this site..after reading how quickly using ACV had gotten rid of other peoples warts I said why not and decided to try it...I started the treatment yesterday about 2pm and by this morning most of my warts were gone..I just soaked a cotton ball in ACV and placed it where the warts were and left it alone for about an hour or 2...Yes, I will admit it did have alittle of a sting to it the 1st couple of times I did this..but its well worth the pain just to have them gone so quickly!...Thank you guys so much!

Jonathan (Saskatoon, Canada) on 07/24/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ok day three. I have definite scabs on most if not all warts. This looks very promising i applied the acv for thirty min in the morning and once again whit and swollon the warts became, but the scabs are very prominant now so at nite i put on the polysporin. Did the same thing in the morning. So in conclusion if this has worked as planned three days of treatments and about a week of healing to get rid of ALL the warts vs. one freezing wait ten days do it again.... and it might not work. This way is much better safer and faster. Will keep updating from time to time but unless somthing happens drastically all will heal and i will get back to a normal loving life.

 View Entire Thread


John (San Sebastian, Spain) on 07/21/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

RONG>Apple Cider Vinegar for genital warts: When I read in this site that in three days you could get rid of genital warts using Apple Cider Vinegar, I thought it could work, but not in such a little time... this is what I did:

.- First day I applied a small cotton ball soaked in ACV in my anus (two or three small warts were growing there) for about 1 hour after showering. It didn't burn at all.

.- Second day I applied a medium cotton ball soaked in ACV for more than an hour. It burned just a little. Later in the day, after showering at night, I applied a bigger cotton ball soaked in ACV for about 2 hours. This time it burned for the first 5 minutes or so but it went gradually decreasing.

.- Third day applied a big cotton ball soaked in ACV between my butt cheeks in the morning. It really burnt (the whole area had become very irritated). I kept it in place for about 45 minutes (the burning decreased but not as fast as the day before). After I decided to rub some Aloe Vera Gel straight from the plant to soothe the whole area. It works just great !. That evening my anus was so sore that I couldn't apply any more ACV, instead I kept rubbing Aloe Vera Gel from the leave and did it for the next four or five days without using any ACV at all .... and the warts were GONE. Just three applications of ACV !!!

ACV works great on the warts ! ..... but I would advice people not to use cotton balls soaked in it as I did, because in the same way it burns the warts, it burns the sensitive skin around them......... instead I would use a Q-tip soaked in ACV to spot the wart and use a mirror if you don't have someone to do it for you.

Anyway, Thanks a lot for the help ! ACV really works! (and for the burning don't forget the Aloe Vera G

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