Osha, Usnea And Echinacea for Genital Herpes

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Alex (Eugene, Oregon) on 02/14/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I don't have herpes but have advised people who do as I work in the healing industry as a body worker and spiritual counselor. I treated my children's viral and bacterial infections while they were growing up with the following herbs.

Osha is a strong antiviral. Usnea is a strong antibacterial and antifungal. Echinacea is a good blood purifier.

Years ago when clients asked if there is anything I could recommend for their herpes breakouts I told them of these herbs. I suggested they take the tinctures orally and to use a combination of the Osha and Usnea as a topical and apply it with a cotton swab. I suggested they take 30 drops of each of the 3 tinctures together every 2-3 hours at the first signs of an outbreak and to take this dosage for the first 24-48 hrs depending on results and then to do the bottle recommendation for at least 5 days. The bottle should recommend about 30-35 drops 3 times a day.

This is the same course of action I would use with my kids at the first signs of any illness. Those who tried it say it stopped the outbreak in its tracks and healed it in a couple of days. These herbs are fine to use in these dosages for the first few days without worrying about overdosing or side effects. I recommend these to people who can't fight off viral infections and they are amazed at how fast they respond to them. Something I have been doing the last few years is to mix these 3 herbs in a atomizing spray bottle and spraying it into my throat where it can really absorb. I have been free of any type of viral infection for about 13 years. The atomizing spray bottle may be a good application for topical use especially when away from home and without swabs. I take the 3 herbs throughout the flu and cold season as a preventative and especially if I'm going to be out in a large crowd such as a convention. These tinctures can also be put into a bottle of water in their daily dose amounts and sipped throughout the day and they will metabolize well through the kidneys. The tinctures are best taken if allowed to absorb sublingually (under the tongue) but these herbs are an acquired taste. Since herbs lack the residual affect of pharmaceuticals it's important to be diligent with taking them during any treatment to ensure their efficacy. I think with the condition of a herpes outbreak treating both topically and at the same time systemically is a good system of treatment.

The Osha is also a good lung herb in that it is a bronchial dilator and is also a good expectorant and as a strong antiviral will fight the virus where it's breaking out and also at its source. The Usnea will help to fight secondary infections at the breakout site and to give an extra boost to the immune system by taking off some of its load of keeping harmful bacterial in the body in check; this will free up some of the immune system to fight the herpes outbreak. Echinacea balances blood PH and in doing so stimulates a sluggish lymphatic system and this will enhance the body's ability to fight infection. I also recommend maximizing the health of the immune system by eliminating all sugars, GMOs, junk foods and their additives, fluoride in water and toothpaste, refined flours and grains, sodas and all sugary drinks, meats and dairy with hormones. Eat organic as much possible and meats that are free range and fed non-GMO grains. Another thing that is wreaking havoc on our health is the over abundance of omega 6 oils to omega 3s. Western diet is lacking in EFAs; essential fatty acids. All these things contribute to a weakened immune system that will make it much more susceptible to diseases and out breaks as well as allergies. Our food and water supply has been compromised for profits and we as individuals need to be diligent about what we are eating and indulging in. At age 61 I'm free of all meds and am in robust health and do aerobics 4-5 days a week, pump iron and eat a healthy, natural, GMO free and organic diet. I'm free of spending time and money chasing my health through a ineffective health system and free of spending money on pharm drugs.

De-stressing and finding inner peace is also conducive to a healthy body and immune system as well as the mind. Meditation daily can add to the health of your overall being and its ability to fight infections and ward off outbreaks. I recommend to start telling your body every day you are giving it permission to heal and rid itself of all viruses. Tell your body it's strong enough to heal itself. When you've told yourself this enough then you will start to feel and know it and it will respond. Every cell in our body is a sentient being and responds to what we give it a tell it. Believe. Faith is an inner acknowledgement of truth. Faith and truth are yours to use for your own healing. Blessings and best wishes to everyone.