Hypericum Mysorense for Genital Herpes

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Jordan (Memphis, TN) on 11/30/2022
5 out of 5 stars

I actually tested negative for HSV after 8 months. HOWEVER, it came back. The reason it came back is that I stopped this protocol and didn't finish it for another 6 months, which is what you should do. But I did test negative for HSV 2. Follow this protocol for a YEAR and you will be free I believe.

I am actually getting on the Synergy protocol now. I did Hekma protocol and a bunch of other ones.

I tried EVERYTHING for 4 years and spend $15,000 USD trying to get a negative test and nothing worked. I tried:

-DIV Ozone for 6 months 3 times a week
-35% hydrogen peroxide for 5 months-more than 3 times
-Oregano Oil with a raw diet for 6 months
-I did SIXTEEN 10 passes in Colombia and here in the states


I never gave up UNTIL ONE DAY I discovered nosode therapy.

I saw my symptoms drop almost immediately and stayed on it, then tested negative after an 8 month protocol.

You HAVE to stay on this for a year. The virus can come back.

Here's why:
When you take an IGM test, you get a reading of under .90 and that just means the virus is no longer a threat to your body. It means you aren't having any more outbreaks.
You need to stay on it and keep crushing it down to close to zero.
This is going to take you 8 months, maybe for some more, maybe for some less.

Here are a couple of rules I would say follow: Do not stop the protocol, If you miss a dose, keep going. Breakouts are good. That means the virus is leaving your body. See rule number one. Do not stop. Keep your body alkaline if you can. I think if I were to have taken alkaline drops, and lysine multiple times daily, I would have tested negative faster.

Here is what I did:

One pill each 3 x DAILY




Take these 3x daily on empty stomach:


I recommend getting the 6 month supply of all of these (minus the Herpesyl) here:


I also took these drops with a full vial twice daily:



You need probiotics daily. You also need Spiralina and Chlorella daily if you can get it.

Get this spray for breakouts: It actually kills the herpes virus and will heal your skin: (they aka the gov has a patent on this for herpes believe it or not) but it works AMAZINGLY well at killing active breakouts. It is just Hypochlorous Acid.


Food to remove:


Sugar, canola oil or fried foods, alcohol, limit caffeine (I drank Pique Tea Pu'er tea daily though) or anything else that causes inflammation in your body. Caffeine will slow your healing down. If you are addicted to caffeine, understand this will prolong the healing process, I believe.

Listen to your body.

Things I did eat:

Veggies (all) fruits, (all), all lean meats, grilled /baked potatoes, sugar free ketchup, vegan ranch dressing, salads, smoothies, dairy free milk (coconut milk), and basically getting any food you want, as long as it's sugar and inflammation free.

Wishing you guys the best! Don't give up!


Ali (Atlanta, Georgia ) on 07/13/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Hello all,

I have used this site for all kinds of aliments. I found something that worked so well I felt I owed to all the other sufferers out there to post. I have tried many things for herpes on this site, some with a little success. I have spent thousands trying different options. I got this about five years go, however it didn't manifest until around two years ago. It progressively got worse. I went from an outbreak every few mos to every month almost. I was at my wits end but I never lost hope. I knew God would have an answer. I had tried everything except for a few very expensive options. I would check the web periodically to see if something new had popped up. I found a few blogs recommending Hypericum mysorense (2pills a day) and nosodes (5 drops 3x a day)I had nothing to loose. I started using them both two months ago and all symptoms vanished almost immediately. I still had small amounts of sugar and alcohol and I was still good. This has been my miracle. Ali
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Jacksoncured (Los Angeles, Califonia) on 07/19/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I caught herpes about 14 years and went crazy trying to find a cure. I tried olive leaf, prunella vulgaris, Ozone, Red MArine Algae, DMSO, Hydrogen peroxide, Acyclovir and a whole lot more.

Ultimately I read this scientific paper called Anti-viral plants of the nilgiri hills that said that Hypericum Mysorense completely suppressed the herpes virus and went crazy trying to find it. To cut a long story short I found an online supplier and took the herb as recommended for 6 months straight 2 pills a day and 4 if I felt any symptoms coming on.

I HAVE NOT HAD ONE SINGLE OUTBREAK IN over 5 years now and this truly is the best natural treatment for herpes if not a cure we have been looking for. You will see that it stops herpes in its tracks the minute you take it and also stops all future outbreaks if you take it long enough. Thank you for the great website because nature really does cure.