Dietary Changes for Genital Herpes

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Ann (Los Angeles, CA) on 08/28/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I am now still in early stages of using H2O2, so am avidly reading the entries for Candida. For herpes, I was clued into l-lysine some years ago, and it is great. Foods high in L-lysine are listed on the internet, and also foods high in arginine, which is in chocolate, nuts, popcorn, brown rice and other foods. Arginine is used in labs to GROW the Herpes virus, so those chocolate and nut snacks can give you an attack! I have purchased l-lysine over the internet and also at some grocers and health food stores, and just keep it handy. Often when I want to eat some chocolate, I pop some l-lysine soon after and no problem. It is a harmless amino acid and resets the balance in your system.

Candex is very good for Candida but so expensive, I am happily taking the H2O2 and wanted to check increasing the dosage from 8 drops in an 8 oz glass of water 3X a day and here is all this information for me! My Mother and Grandmother died young of breast cancer and I began researching things that cure cancer as I realize the AMA is not chock full of 100% doctors, and found ESSIAC. The herbs can be purchased pre-measured from the Herb Products Company in Hollywood. I am 62, teach yoga and breathing techniques, doing them myself daily and am very healthy!



David (Manila, Philippines) on 07/15/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, i have read some of the feedback on your site and found it very interesting. I contracted genital herpes in 1981-2. I went to a clinic and they gave me the bad news. I asked what should i do when i get the outbreak as it was so painfull. The answer i got was "run and bath of warm water and pee it that ". mmmm very good. At that time there was no cream on the market or any other forms of treatment so it was a case of suffering for many days. I get the itch and the sore leg and the depression. But as time has gone on it has lessened and i have very few attacks so count myself luck in some respects but let me say i had my share and have sympathy with anyone who has herpes now even with all the treatments you can take. I did start to use a cream after many years called Zovirax which helped a lot.I do find or have found that a healthy diet and i don't mean drinking diet drinks and eating dietary food i mean eating veggies and drinking plenty of water seems to have helped me. I also do eat plenty of garlic and love spicy food.I also think that getting depressed about having herpes actually does not help as the depression brings on the attack. Maybe i am wrong but i feel that feeling down doesn ot help.So try and keep positive about the situation. Man it's not going to kill u unless u give it to the wrong person ahahahah.

John (Nassau, Bahamas) on 03/01/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Avoid Chocolate, Peanuts and keep stress levels low! and you'll be just fine! Good Luck!
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Jay (Bangkok, Thailand) on 01/23/2008
5 out of 5 stars

In the past i have always used anti viral drugs to control my outbreaks. After 8 years of very frequent outbreaks & almost daily medication i can say that i have finally found the key to my problem:a healthy diet. When i was diagnosed, i was never explained any information about how diet can influence or bring on an outbreak.I was told that antiviral medication is what i needed, with out any knowledge of other more healthier,natural alternatives. So since reading & sourcing as much information i could find on controlling my outbreaks, i discovered that eating foods high in alkaline & avoiding foods high in acid completely knocked out my outbreaks. Lemon/Limes are a big part of my diet & i can say that these amazing fruits avoiding chocolate,coffee,beer etc have turned my life around for the better :)