Black Tea for Genital Herpes

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Seema (Chicago, Il) on 03/13/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Was just reading up on this site on natural cures for Herpes 2 with a cup of black tea in my hand. Thought, "Gee, I can try this out right now", took the warm tea bag, broke it open, and applied the black leaves on the sores (really packed 'em in good, as I am a woman) and continued to read for another half hour. Upon gathering up the leaves and washing them away, ahhhhhhh, relief! The most I have felt in more than a week! I cannot believe that my infection decided to take a turn for the better just as I applied those leaves. There must be a connection! Goodby Valtrex!! It has made me very forgetful and detached. Have not been getting my work done. Will update.

Lucy (NY) on 02/25/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Black Tea is a remedy to drink against hsv, also, placing a tea tea bag on the sores, truly desperate do both (the tea bag should be luke warm for placing on sore leave for a good bit & do time & again throughout the day-also, place tea or tea bag in a plastic in freezer and do the treatment-works! It is an antioxidant naturally & the Tannin acid makes it unbearable for the virus! Hope this helps anyone-I know that this ailment is a sentence in hell for me for the past 14 years! I would not wish it upon my worse enemy trust me.