Colloidal Silver for Gastrointestinal Disorders

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Jennywren (Perth, Western Australia, Australia) on 09/25/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I'd been reading a lot about colloidal silver online and as I have reactive arthritis in my toes thought I'd give it a go, taking 20ml twice a day. (no luck yet after 4 weeks).

In the meantime, my husband contracted gastro with fevers and chills and after 3 days of me nagging, he finally took the massive dosage of 200ml of CS in water, followed by another glass of water (recommended by the manufacturer). Half an hour later his fever was gone, colour had returned and he was mucking around and that was that, he was cured!

However..the morning after I was doing the shopping and started to get hot and cold flushes and stomach cramps. Made it back home and followed the same regime as my husband with the CS, and timed it. Ten minutes - fever had dropped. An hour later - stomach cramps gone and never returned.

As someone who contracts gastro at the drop of a hat, you can imagine this has made me very happy!