Msm for Gallstones

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Robert (Dayton, Ohio) on 10/21/2020
5 out of 5 stars

Thank you SOOOO Much for the post about MSM and TMG, I have suffered for years with stones, sludge and constipation, this has cured me as well.
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Whisperingsage (Ca) on 02/08/2017
5 out of 5 stars

I am well acquainted with gallstones and the flush. I have one comment on " eating cleanly" as referenced above. Low fat diets and fasting, skipping meals are causes of gallstones. The gallbladders main job is to emulsify fats. A normal happy gallbladder squirts out a quart a day if bile. If it doesn't get the chance to do that, it concentrates and forms stones.

I learned over multiple times of the flush that something in my physiology was forming them faster and the flush was pretty exhausting. Finally I tried MSM after listening to a Mercola interview with Dr Stephanie Seneff on sulfur. That was the one nutrient I hadn't been sure to get. MSM combined with TMG ( a glyphosate detox nutrient made from beets) pretty much cured my gallstones and chronic 13 year diarrhea ( which originated from retaking childhood vaccines to get into nursing school, expensive mistake). I do have to be careful to stay on those as otherwise they come back quickly. I have also helped two people with gallstones, my husband one of them, and MSM worked within an hour.

Also, I had learned coffee is a gall bladder stimulator, and pops stones out 75% of the time and cumin is also a gallbladder stimulator. That's what I looked for, things that would cause it to squeeze. Not making it squeeze out ( low fat diets) will just leave old bile to concentrate.