Ted's Remedies for Toenail Fungus

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John (Bangkok, Thailand) on 12/18/2013
0 out of 5 stars

I am sorry to hear about Ted fm Bangkok. I live in Bangkok and the authorities and the Thai version of the AMA here does not like competition.

I have a fungus problem that seemingly went the wrong direction while being cured but I would appreciate some advice/input if anyone has an idea on the matter.

I developed what seemed to be large tinea corporis rash (doctor advised) on my backside about 6 months ago. I did not notice it for quite sometime so it may have been there for some while before that. About 10 weeks ago I saw a doctor here and they gave me the usual anti-fungal cremes. Over several weeks there was no improvement. In fact, the fungus migrated to my hand and fingers and later the elbows and ankles. They then felt it was internal now and gave me Sporanox and Lamisil tablets etc. No change except to increase intensity of the rash symptoms. Not much itching however, only rash and some rash spreading. I tried various other methods and but not much happened. I had systemic candida 15 years ago and beat it with diet and Mycostatin, etc and it was nothing like that.

Forward to 01 December 2013. I started on what I had read from Ted from Bangkok. I began the regimen of Sodium bicarbonate 1/4 teaspoon and water, 3 x per day and 1/4 teaspoon of Borax in 1 liter water. The borax I started at 50 ml per day. After several days a small reaction began what I assumed was Herx effect. The body trying to get the toxins out quickly. Skin on the rash became very dry and flaking off. But then it stopped. So from what I read, if one had a severe fungal case then increase the dosage to about 100 ml per day. This I did with a 5 day on / 2 day off program. Soon the Monday of the second week the dosage was increased to 100 ml per day. By Thursday a real noticeable effect appeared, the skin was dying off the rashes almost everywhere but the rashes were spreading. I put this down to the increased Herx effect. I stopped for the 2 days on Saturday however, the rashes increased.

Dramatically. They started to appear all over. Now they are also around my eyes and lips and under the arms and even the back of my neck. Face feels like it is puffing up from sunburn a bit as a result. They are very dry and itchy and sometimes small lesions develop on the finger joints (though I put this down to the fact they are so dry that it is cracking).

That was Saturday and this is Wednesday. It is quite debilitating and irritating and since it has gone to the eyelids, nose corners, lips, etc etc it is a bit worrisome. I have not done anymore borax since last Friday feeling it was just a increased Herx effect. So that would be 5 days now with no borax use. I still maintain the sodium bicarbonate regimen as before and drinking a lot of water , etc..

These particular effects started after the borax use, nothing like this happened prior. It seems to be increasing daily. I get good sleep, food and exercise, etc.. Any input is appreciated.

Is it the Herx and I just need to wait it out or is it something else. Go back on the borax. ???

Sincerely, John Bkk