Tea Tree Oil for Toenail Fungus

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Michael (New Zealand) on 10/08/2021
5 out of 5 stars

For a fingernail fungal infection, I have recently used Tea Tree Oil with great (but gradual) success every night for the past three months!! It's a bit like watching paint dry but in slow motion.

As an aside, I always have this product in the house and it has served me well over the years, including the adding of one or two drops to a steam inhaler when dealing with sinus complaints in the winter..

If I remember, I also slap a few drops of neat oil on in the morning. But the night time application has the virtue of it being kept on the nail and surrounding skin for many hours whilst asleep, so allowing for sustained penetration.

To get rid of the fungus, it is absolutely necessary to persevere for months but TTO DOES work if you keep at it.

I wouldn't horse around with anything else, with the possible exception of Milk of Magnesia, which I have never tried but a previous poster's post to that effect sounded most interesting.

TTO is very popular here in New Zealand where it is appreciated for its curative properties. Order some on line - a small bottle will last you a long, long time-have some on hand in the medicine cupboard.

As for the obligatory, associated story, which I know you will be eagerly looking forward to-but this one is especially gory and violent, so is not for the squeamish or faint-hearted (parental guidance is advised): well, I had the misfortune to have a splinter of wood drive up under my index finger nail whilst sorting and stacking firewood for the winter. Yep, you guessed it, it was quite painful. What was also painful was my bathroom surgery, which consisted of my driving a sterilized needle up alongside it in order to dislodge it!! The things we do!

I think I ought to invest in some gloves from now on!

Cheers from Down Under

P.S. Would Manuka Honey help the person dealing with a recent case of MRSA possibly- just a thought?

Yet another New Zealand product worth considering.

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Lulu Dickinson (United Kingdom) on 06/20/2016
5 out of 5 stars

My husband had very bad fungal nail on his toe nails, so I made my own mixture of Isopropyl alcohol and tea tree oil and soaked his toe nails every evening with a sponge applicator ..

I have also added tea tree oil to clear nail polish and intend to use this once his fungal nail has gone.

REPLY   5      

Jenjen (Usa) on 02/07/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Tea Tree Oil for Nail Fungus worked for me: Through summer I stayed in sandals, kept tea-tree and also a dropper bottle of vinegar on me, and alternated between them at least daily, or whenever I was thinking about it. I agree about sanding down the surface of the nail (but not dremmel... you don't want to accidentally go through the nail... ouch! I filed it with one of those file/polish/buff tools you can buy for shining up the nail surface.

Gives you control so you don't go too thin - but definitely sand as thin as possible, this will remove as much infected nail surface as possible and help the oil penetrate through the nail - google "nail shiner buffer sand block file" for images/buying options.

Also keep nails as short as possible; you want oil (and vinegar if you decide to use that too) to penetrating all cracks and crevices on and around nail.

But YES THIS WORKS. With the Tea Tree, as with vinegar, you are creating a hostile environment that the little critters can't live in, and with no hiding places! Keep it up until the nail grows in clean. Be prepared, it could take months for the regrowth!

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Carolina (Oviedo, Florida) on 09/25/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I want to thank you for sharing this!!! This REALLY works! I tried a lot of treatments before using the tea tree oil. I wasn't sure if it would work because all the doctors told me it is was very difficult to cure it, even though they prescribed me expensive treatments. Thank you so much!
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Figment (Co) on 12/19/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I have cured my own toenail fungus that I picked up in a hospital bathroom while staying overnight... the bathroom was FILTHY.

Anyway, take a dremel with the sandpaper drum attachment... grind down as much of the outer part of the nail as you can to thin it down in thickness. Then buy PURE teatree oil at the health food store... NOT the teatree oil mixture, just pure teatree oil. Apply it to your nail (saturate the nail) twice/daily until the nail has grown out. It worked great for me... just keep the nail as thin as you can, and saturate it thoroughly... One bottle only costs about $7-10. No nasty side effects.

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Tweetylii (Canton, Ohio, Usa) on 02/13/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I had toenail fungus for years. I had tried several OTC fungicides with no results. The toenail on my big toe had become so bad that it had separated from the toe. I clipped back all the dead, crumbly nail and applied tea tree oil to the nailand the area where the nail had been twice a day. That is all I did until the nail regrew. It is now pink and healthy.
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Brooke (Salt Lake City, Utah) on 08/29/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I developed fungus under both big toes after getting a pedicure. One turned almost orange and about half of it detached from the nail bed. I cut off what I could, soaked my feet in about 1 cup of apple cider vinegar and 1cup warm water for about 20 minutes. I then put tea tree oil on all my toes. I purchased the tea tree oil from Whole Foods for 15$ for 2fl oz. The second day I did the same vinegar soak but added in hydrogen peroxide. Followed that with the Tea Tree. Day 3 no soaking, just applied the tea tree twice. Day 4 and whats left of my nail looks normal and healthy. I will continue to use the tea tree until the nail grows back in. Dont need to take any chances! I wish I had a picture of the deformed, orange nail I had 4 days ago. Its a miracle. :)
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Happy Cured (Portland, Oregon) on 06/21/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Put all the other rememdies to bed! Tea Tree Oil on it 2x per day, morning and night. Use a knife to scrape away what you can (not too much). In a few weeks it starts growing back healthy nail! Make sure you put it on until the nail is fully grown back and maybe a little more ;)

It worked for me. I had this stupid nail fungus for 10 years.

REPLY   21      

Michelle (Smithfield, Queensland) on 05/27/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Hi everyone! Just have to firstly give a huge thumbs up for this site & all the contributors. Have been utilising the advice from here for years, & recommended it so many times to people I should be receiving commissions! Lol. Now, back to business:- I have had fungal infections pertaining to toe nails on both feet for over 20 years. Podiatrists have recommended many products over that time, none of them worked, & all were expensive. The last podiatrist that I visited, after telling him of my previous experiences told me "off the record", to cure my infections - 1. Stop using nailpolish 2. Apply pure Tea Tree oil every day, or as many times as I remembered! He actually told me that over-the- counter remedies don't work, however, the pure tea-tree oil will stop the fungus in its tracks, it was just going to take time. I've been applying it (with a dropper) at least once a day (ok, maybe every two! ). In less than 2 weeks, I could start to see new, healthy growth starting to appear. Not wanting to get too excited (remember, I've had this problem for over 20 years & why I didn't refer back to this site in the first place -I have no idea why! ), however, I kept applying the oil, watching & waiting. Now, nearly a month later, I can see the visible difference between the infected toenail, & the healthy nail. The podiatrist told me it was a slow process, & took perseverance & patience, & could take up to 8 months to see proper results. In a fraction of that time, & for a fraction of the price of the specialists recommended lotions & potions, I actually have real results. Highly recommended cheap alternative - TEA TREE OIL
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Fifi (Gold Coast, Australia) on 12/31/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Hi all, I had a fungal nail infection in both my big toenails. It was there for awhile and I was worried about it spreading further. I asked my doc about using something from the pharmacy but he said it was all a waste of money. So I decided to try tea tree oil.

Morning and night, after showering, I scrubbed the oil into and around ALL of my toes. I would tip the oil on from a dropper bottle and made sure I also got it up under the nail. I scrubbed with a toothbrush. I did this for about 3 months and the fungas has completely gone. My nails were yellow/patchy and flaky. Now they are nomal! No more hiding them away!

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