Listerine And White Vinegar for Toenail Fungus

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Carol (Houston, Texas) on 08/31/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Doctor recommended Lamisil cream for big toe fungus. Did not explain much about how it should work and it didn't seem to help. Then, I used tea tree oil for about three years morning and night... But lived in a cold climate, always wearing closed toes shoes. The big toe nail would peel off ocasionally but no real success.

Have now retired and moved to a warm climate. Wearing sandals ALL the time. Soaking my foot in listerine and distilled vinegar once daily for about 10 minutes (and drying carefully afterward). Following up with daily application of tea tree oil. Filing down surface of nail frequently, trimming nail very short, cleaning out under the nail regularly. Improved my diet to reduce sugars and flour. After four months, I see success! The nail is no longer peeling and looks almost normal now. Will continue this regimen for another month or so and hold off on nail polish for six months to ensure it is all gone.

REPLY   1      

Barbara (Orlando, USA) on 10/13/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I have cured a very stubborn nail fungus using a half and half mixture of original Listerine and white vinegar. I had previously tried just vinegar, tee tree oil, clorox, a prescription,Vick's and hydrogen peroxide. I believe it was the mixture of mouthwash and vinegar that finally did the trick. Plus, I applied it to my toe (drenched it) with a Q-tip at least 4 to 6 times a day. I made up a new solution in a covered jar every week. It has taken almost a year for the nail to grow out and I never failed to apply the mixture every day. I learned that missing a day or so allows the fungus to return. I tried to avoid toenail polish. If I did need to go to a social function I applied polish just before I left the house and took the polish off as soon as possible. Fungus loves polish! I just had to pass this on as I have been very frustrated wasting time for years on other remedies.