Hip Fracture | Bone Fracture Remedies

Modified on Jun 20, 2023 | Earth Clinic Team

What Is a Fracture?

The skeletal system makes up the overall structure of the body and is comprised of 206 bones. As these bones are subjected to constant pressure and use, the bones may become weak and even break. A fracture is a break in a bone of any size caused when the bone is expressed to more pressure than it can withstand. A fracture in which the bone punctures the skin is called an open or compound fracture while a stress fracture is a small, hairline crack in bone.

A fracture or broken bone can occur in any of the 206 bones in the body. However, several factors contribute to the breaking of a bone. Falling from a great distance, being involved in a car accident and being subjected to a direct blow are all possible causes of fractures. Likewise, child abuse or repetitive forces such as those involved with running causing stress on the foot, ankle, tibia or hip. Hip fractures are among the most common types of fractures; however, a break may occur in any bone.

Symptoms of fractures include a visibly out-of-place or deformed limb or joint, swelling, bruising, bleeding, intense pain and numbness or tingling. In severe cases, a broken bone may protrude the skin and cause limited mobility.

Natural Treatments for Bone Fractures

While broken bones do necessitate evaluation by a medical professional, many home treatments can be used to speed and aid healing of fractures. Many options are typically even effective as hip fracture treatment. One of the best ways to heal bones is creating a comfrey poultice or compress using several tablespoons of comfrey mixed into a paste with water. Applied topically to the wounded area and bound with a cotton cloth, this method shortens healing time and bonds bone together more effectively. Additionally, DMSO, garlic, MSM and turmeric are effective supplements for supporting bone healing.

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List of Remedies for Fractures