Vitamin C + NAC + Homeopathy for Flu

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Consult68 (Switzerland) on 01/14/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

Vitamin C + NAC +Haemophilus influenza comp for Flu

We usually use a homeopathic spray to be rubbed in the skin (Spenglersan G = Haemophilus influenza comp) 3 x /day + 4-5 g Vitamin C (preferably Liposomal)/day and 500mg of N-AcetylCystein (alternatively 5 gloves of raw garlic), 2-3 Liters of purified water. Fluid, rest and proper sleep are essential for quick recovery.

Severe cases - can be accelerated by IV or rectal ozone + I.V. Vitamin C, Zinc and NAC.

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