Steaming, Apple Cider Vinegar Baths for Flu

5 star (1) 

Penny (USA) on 02/07/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

My nutritionist gave me the following advice: I'm steaming for my lungs and sinuses, 5 min. every 12 hours, ...steam is perfect just before the boil, taking it in alternative ways, every which way possible, in mouth out mouth, mouth/nose, one nostril/mouth, one nostril/other nostril, one nostril/same nostril, etc. to chase out the germs wherever they may hide, germs that cycle in 12 hour increments. Rules are twice only per day. No more than 5 min. NO burning of nostrils (causes bugs to burrow deeper), so care must be there not to make the steam too hot or too much.

And baths with apple cider vinegar (you can use the cheap kind for baths), a cup per bath, are supposed to make viruses take a hike. I've seen it happen, esp. with young kids who spring out of the bath ready for action afterwards, if it was a virus, that is. I'm just soaking my feet tonight, too lazy for the bath. But the bath is supposed to create a ph that makes a virus split. Let me know if anyone finds this works, as I've seen several cases.


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