Lemon and Honey for Flu

5 star (1) 

Alem (Perth, Australia) on 11/04/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I have heard about lemon & Honey cures from my over 110 year old grand-grandmother in Bosnia. I was overweight as a child and after starting to drink Lemon and honey tea (juice of 1 lemon, little honey and warm water) every morning my whole system has changed. My weight has dropped and I never had a problem with it since. I can't remember the last time I had a cold or flu. Another thing that she told me to do was: When a person feels a cold or flu coming on, to use the juice of 3 lemons and add 5-6 big tablespoons of good honey, mix it well and drink it. I know it sounds horrible, however I can swear by it. I never got sick.
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