Joan (Fresh Meadows, New York ) on 10/23/2010

Just found your site searching about combining ACV and H202 and found out that was not a good combination. Also found all the testimonials about the benefits of ACV and the flu. Very excited, going to try that immediately.
Here's one for you. I have the flu. Been fighting with it for a week because I have not been eating correctly. I found that putting just ONE or TWO drops of food grade 3% H202 in a half glass of water and sipping it when I start to cough or get congested immediately clears up my head, takes away the sore throat, and gives me an hour of peace. Just like you said, it works for about an hour! Just one drop works! Amazing! Had to share that. Experimenting with H202. Even just a drop... Now I will try the ACV each day and see how that works. Love your site. Be very blessed. Joan