Grapefruit Seed Extract for Flu

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Rjforshort (Dover, Oh, United States) on 12/23/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Grapefruit seed extract cured the flu

I felt the flu coming on pretty bad on Saturday around 2pm. I knew I needed to take something right away to catch it quickly. I took 15 drops of GSE in 4 oz of orange juice that evening. By then I had a fever and diarrhea. 1/2 hour later I took about 1 tsp. of ACV in 8oz h2o and went to bed at 8pm. I woke up at 2am and 8 with diarrhea, when I woke up at 2pm felt much better! Took another 15 drops GSE in 4 oz OJ and more ACV in h2o. Was symptom free from that time on! Took another round of GSE next morning to be safe!

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Natalie (Newport News, VA) on 05/01/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I just wanted to let you all know that I tried the grapefruit seed extract remedy two days into my having continual flu symptoms (high fever 103 with aches and pains). On the evening of 4/25 I started to feel really weak so I went to lie down. By late that evening I was running a high temp of 103.4 and started becoming really achy. I tried everything to get the fever down butI couldn't, so that morning of 4/26 I took a 200mg ibuprofen. I was still achy though and by the next morning the fever spiked up to 103.7. I had tried so many things already to get rid of the bug, but I couldn't. (garlic and apple cider viner, egg whites to lower the fever (I think I didn't use enough)). I succumbed to over counter medicine and went ahead and took a naproxen. It broke the fever within an hour. But I wanted to get rid of what ever it was that was causing the fever. Then I read about the grapefruit seed extract, so I told my husband to please go to the vitamin store and pick one up for me. As soon as I got home from work, I drunk me a glass of water with the 15 drops. I felt ok and then I drunk a second cup and I felt even better. By the next day 4/28, I didn't have anymore headaches, backaches or weakness. I just felt like I had a a soar throat. So I continued taking it for the prescribed three days and thank God the bug is gone. This stuff works! I'm a believer. This stuff can be used for so many other things as well. I will always keep stock of this stuff in my medicine cabinet.
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Lisa (Memphis, TN) on 12/29/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

Grapefruit seed extract, peroxide, and apple cider vinegar cured my sore throat, runny and stuffy nose and body aches. I was sooo happy with my results I feel great! after only 20 mins. I feel almost normal. It only took me a day to start looking for cures, and it took less than a day to work! This site is wonderful!
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Dean (Tulsa, OK) on 11/05/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I discovered this site a few days ago. I have been impressed. Yesterday I awoke with dark rings around my eyes, fever and sore muscles. The flu was coming on STRONG. I started a new job today too. I went straight to your site and read the grapefruit seed extract cure. They should change the name to bitter fruit, but it has worked. It's awful but within an hour I felt 80% better. By evening I felt 98% better. I can tell it is still there, in hiding, so I will do it 2-3 days like it is suggested. It now feels like that day after your sick which is great because I was really going to be sick. I could tell. Jobs great too. Thanks!
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Genevieve (Bellingham, WA) on 03/01/2004:
5 out of 5 stars

I absolutely hate being sick and getting the flu, like I'm sure everyone does. But, I have found something that really helps. GSE, Grapefruit Seed Extract which can be bought at supplement and health stores, really helps boost my immune system. I drop 13 drops in a small glass of orange juice three to four times a day when I start feeling and sick and by the next morning I feel 100% better.
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