Glucosamine Chondroitin Sulphate for Flu

5 star (1) 

Birdie (Calgary, Alberta Canada) on 02/05/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Here's something I have found that has NEVER failed me yet! When I feel something coming on (cold, flu etc) I take 4 capsules of Glucosamine Chondroitin Sulphate (900mg/capsule) EVERY 15 MINUTES (4 capsules each dose) for the first HOUR, then 4 capsules EVERY 30 MINUTES for the next FOUR hours, then 4 capsules/hr until bedtime. I use the ___ brand, but my son used another brand and it worked really well. The next day I am 80% better, and so was he. He was so impressed he now keeps it in his cupboard. I also used it when I had an infected tooth and the dentist said I would need a root canal (take the nerve out and you kill that tooth! ); I took this formula as stated above, and I never had that root canal and I am FINE!! I take one capsule morning and night on a regular basis, and at age 58, am almost as flexible as I was when I was 30! Comes in REAL handy as I play on two tennis teams! -- Granny
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