Vitamin D for Fibromyalgia, Fluoride Connect

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Hisjewel (New York) on 07/04/2017
4 out of 5 stars

Thoughts on Chasing Achy Bones, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and Pain with Borax and Vitamin D

I along with many other posters I'm sure, am learning what worked for me when I stopped taking it. When I hear about something I had not tried, I shorten my supplement list by leaving out something I was taking. I think I get bored, or sometimes the supplement worked so good I think I don't need that supplement any longer.

I shared with you how the C and D which was D3 was like a fountain of youth to me. I explained that I had stopped taking the high D (D3 10,000 IU) because of during my 3 day fast it seemed the pain came back with a revenge and I did not want to go through the withdrawal again.

I instead went to pain killers and went on drinking Borax (1/8 or 1/4 teaspoon of borax a day in one litter of purified or distilled water) which proved itself in my bones in about 4 months. After not being full of pain for a while, I simply stop taking the borax. Let me once again be thankful for the Coq10 for strengthening my heart and giving me energy to climb the 4 flights of stairs at City Hall, and I want to thank God for the MSM water of which I went through 3 gallons of it and breast pain is gone. I have not drank the daily five 1/8 to 1/4 glasses of MSM water in about a week ("Lord let it be a cure").

That being said, none of my recent supplements helped with aching bones, I began to wake up once again in the morning stiff and in pain soon after stopping the borax. Today as I was looking up Fibromyalgia cure, I took note that at least one of the sites and several posters found help by using high D3 supplements. So then I thought perhaps the reason that I was in so much pain when I stopped taking the D3 may have been because of deficiency and not necessarily, because I dropped it so fast.

What I think I will do is first try the D3 10,000 IU again, and if that along does not stop the pain, I will once again also do the borax.
