Tanya\'s Fibroid Remedies for Fibroids

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Tanya (Olympia, WA) on 07/26/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I have wrote several times and have was diagnosed with anemia and fibroids last September. I have tried everything from black strap molasses, to Apple cider vinegar and those remedies have helped. I got an ultrasound in June and my fibroid is still there, it hasn't gotten any bigger though! My anemia is gone, it has been for about 6 months! My Naturopath was amazed that I have kept my iron up for so long. Ok, so this is what I have been doing everyday now for the last 3 months and it has made a huge dfference: I drink Odowalla Superfood green juice every morning. I had read spirulina is good for fibroids and was taking supplements, I believe that works also if you don't like Odawalla. I take Garden of Life Perfect Food Super Green Vitamins, Irwin naturals living green liquid gel womens multivitamin, a B-100, Evening Primrose, and DIM. I read that DIM helps balance Estrogen and since I have been taken it I have noticed a big difference in my cycles being lighter. I was taking vitex (chasteberry). I take iron picolate if my cycles are heavy but they haven't been.

This routine has been so wonderful, my cycles have been light 3 days, and they have been 21-28 says apart. They were 15-17 days and horrible. My anemia was so bad my iron was 29, now it is 42! I got all the supplements at super supplements. The iron picolate I got from my naturopath.

So if you have anemia and fibroids give this a try, also cream of wheat blackstrap molasses and raisins helped when my iron was really low.
I also have gotten off the pill (everything I read says estogen makes fibroids grow) and watch my caffeine and alchohol intake. Good luck ladies! Your body can heal itself, my Dr. suggested a hysterectomy last year, I'm only 40 years old! Thank goodness I didn't listen. I feel great!