Linoleic Acid for Fibroids

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Deborah (Newark, New Jersey USA) on 06/17/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I wanted to share with you and all your readers the great benefit I have experenced taking conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) to reduce fibroid tumors. I have never actually been diagnosed with fibroids, but they do run in my family. My mother, aunt and older sister have had hysterectomies because of out-of-control fibroids which threatened to kill them from hemorraging. Somewhere about the time I turned 40 years old I started experiencing heavy periods. Around the same time I had started taking CLA for weight control and some of the other benefits I had read about (it's good for preventingtumors of all kinds). I hadn't made the connection yet, but my period had become regulated without my noticing. For whatever reason I stopped taking the CLA for quite some period of time. (I tend to take supplements for a time and then run out and forget to get more. ) Perhaps a couple of years passed and I not only began to get heavy flows every month, but they might continue for more than a week--sometimes as much as two weeks! I also was in so much pain that my husband had to pull me out of the bed because it hurt so much to sit up on my own. I actually blew out my kidneys (which were already failing) with all the acedominophen and ibuprophen that I was taking. I began to worry that I might suffer the same fate as my mother and sister. But them the Lord reminded me that I had read that CLA works to shrink tumors. I started taking it again--just one 1000 mg capsule daily. By the time my next period came the flow was back to normal, lasting no more than a week. I really don't remember when the pain subsided because I was then in the throes of dialysis and all that entails, but that's another story. Some time later, my other sister called complaining of extremely heavy periods that lasted two weeks. I was very excited to be able to recommend to her to take CLA. I gave her a partially filled bottle that I had. She never mentioned having any problems after that. I guess she forgot her troubles and had moved on normally with her life. When I asked her about it she told me that she had indeed been able to regulate her period to normal by the very next peiod. Since then I have also been able to recommend to my cousin the same treatment, and she has also experienced miraculous results by the next menstrual period. I praise God who gives us the tools and the increase to help our bodies to heal themselves.