Grapes, Cherries for Fibroids

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Bonnie (Hamilton, Ontario) on 07/05/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Fibriods: Hey All, I have tried everything, bsm and all. I read on and found that coffee that has caffeine has alot to do with it, I drank coffee every day,when I read that it wasn't good for you making your estrogen go hay wire, I decided to stop! I try something that I have read on here what someone else wrote, and I swear by it!! I had heavy periods and the whole thing. Believe me!! So I decided to try what that person wrote, and I did, It was grapes & bing Cherries!! It's been over a year and my periods are normal, and no more heavy bleeding and no more blood clots. I swear my this thing. My blood count is up & my red blood cells are ok now. So 3 things to remember: No more coffee and eat grapes & cherries!! And you'll be ok, at least I am. My doctor wanted me to go for a hysteromy, but in the mean time I decide to try the grapes & cherries, no more heavy periods & clots, they are normal now. Maybe it's a conscience, not sure but something helped me, and I eat them every day!! And I'm fine now. :) Hope this helps someone, because I know I was desperate!!!