Egg Whites for Fever

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Dan (San Antonio, TX) on 12/04/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I was very reluctant to try it but because my 11 year old son has had high fevers in the past and medication has always worked however this time no such luck. I googled the remedy and came up with this. I followed the intructions as close as possible. Before the treatment his fever was 103.8 and within 15 minutes it dropped to 102.7 and 20 minuets after that it was 101.3. His fever went down enough to let him get some sleep. It worked great. I dont know how it did it but it worked. I will pass this on to anyone who is ever in the same position. Thank you.
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Lisa (Fleetwood, PA) on 11/16/2006:
1 out of 5 stars

Hello, I have a 2yr who has been running a high fever for 2 days now, ive been giving her children's Tylenol and it works slightly but then raises back up, she felt so hot tonight I got desperate and saw this site thought I'd try anything at this point to get through the night, I soaked the rags, wrapped her feet and put her socks over them and kept on for a half an hour and sorry to say was very disappointed her temp hasnt changed at all, so I am just taking her to the hospital. I think maybe this remedy works depending on what is causing the fever to begin with, if there is an infection present which requires antibiotics I dont think this remedy is gonna work, but thanks anyways.

Jenna (Houston, TX) on 11/08/2006:
1 out of 5 stars

The egg white remedy did not work. i had it on for about 2 hours and my fever is still 100F

Marilou (San Francisco, CA) on 11/07/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I was so glad I found your website. I tried the egg whites and it helps lower down my son's fever. He had taken medications but it didn't work. Thanks to you guys. This is a good website!
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Falken (Nanaimo, BC) on 11/02/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

Absolutely wonderful.. Thank you guys so much. My 5 month old had a really good fever, of course theThermomater is nowhere, out of vinegar, and not to keen on baby Tylenol. I google baby fever and this website came up. I have never heard of Egg Whites before. 3-5 minutes fever was Gone. Awesome Thank you guys very much, and thanks to the Ancestors who passed this on. There's not a lot of hippy remedies these days, everything is drugs. I will keep this as a favorites page. Cheers, Falken and Baby Mayana
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Tim (Columbia, MD) on 10/28/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

Egg Whites used to reduce the fever in my 11 month old baby girl. My wife and I were up with our daughter about all of last night with a high temperature. Through the evening and night we gave her a couple of doses of fever reducing medicine for infants with no results. At about 6:30am I whispered a prayer for wisdom and then it came to me to do an internet search of home remedies for fever. You see, I pray to a very practical God, and He answers. I found your website and the egg white remedy jumped out at me. Being raised in the south, I was not afraid to try this at all. Within minutes of placing the egg white soaked cloths on her feet, we could feel a noticable difference in her body temp. Thank you so much for making this info available.
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Lynn (Onalaska, WA) on 10/26/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I was desperate. Tylenol was not working. I read this and my mom helped me try it. My temperature was 101. I could literally feel the heat moving, from my head to the back of my neck to the middle of my back, to my thighs down to the bottom of my feet. within about 40 minutes my temerature went down to 99.8. This really works. Thank you.
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Amanda (Sault Ste. Marie Ontario Canada) on 10/21/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

My son had a fever all day today. I had overspent at the grocerystore and just didn't think he was going to get sick. Needless to say, the fever came on quick. I was worried because I don't have a thermometor and could not check his temperature. I called his dad, and he hasn't called me back. So, I did what any single mother with a fevered child would do. Look for home remedies. I was a little reluctant at first, but then thought, well, I need to try something. With in the first ten minutes of application, his fever was starting to go down. I am so thankful for this site. Thank you very much!
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Lianna (Montreal, Quebec) on 10/01/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, I am very grateful to you for posting this method. It helped to reduce my daughter's fever form 39.7 (celsius) to around 38.8 in about 30 minutes. I was alone with her and started to panic as her temperature was going up and up. I started to check the Internet in an attempt to find a natural remedy when I came accross this method and implemented it at once. It was back in April but I couldn't find time up until now to post what I wanted to tell you - a big "THANK YOU".
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Donna (Shrewsbury, MA) on 09/10/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

My daughter's temperature started at 101.7, then to 103.8 even after Children's Motrin. I wrapped her feet with egg white clothes and her fever was down to 101.9 within 20 minutes!
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