Egg Whites for Fever

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Janet (San Francisco, CA) on 01/24/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi there, I had been having an intense fever for the past two days, and when it got up to 103 today, I did a quick search and found your site. The egg whites on soles of feet remedy really did the trick! I had my feet wrapped for about 45 minutes, and about an hour later, my fever dropped down to 101, then about an hour after that it read 98.3. Wonderful! Thank you so much for the fever buster! What a relief :).

Sarah (Fort Worth, TX) on 01/21/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

Yep... it sure works. I actually knew about this since I was little, my family is all about natural remedies, but now, as I'm sitting in bed with eggwhites in my socks I am contemplating: what is it exactly in the eggwhite (potato, onion or vinegar) that does the trick? Anyone?
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Jennifer (Siloam Springs, Arkansas) on 01/21/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

My 3 yr.old daughter, was running a very high fever and it seemed like i had tried everything as far as Motrin and Tylenol, finally i typed in on the google search engine, "how to break a high fever" and it came up with this website. I had never even heard of the egg white remedy, but it really worked within a few hours, her fever went from 103 degrees to 98.6, and when i took the washclothes off her feet, her feet felt really hot, so i knew then that it had really worked. thank you so much!!!
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Nancy (Kenmore, WA) on 01/13/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

Desperate as my fever went higher than in many years (102.6), I googled "how to break a fever", and read the egg whites remedy and testimonials. I used 3 egg whites for 2 size 8 feet, whipped them a bit to blend them, sat down over a big plastic bag on the floor, dipped washcloths in the egg whites, put one on each foot, put a small plastic bag on each foot, tied a long sock around my ankle, and went to bed. My temp dropped from the 102.6 to 99 by morning. I was able to walk with the baggies on my feet; the washcloths were squishy, but very effective. Thank you for the tip and for this site.
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Susan (Phoenix, AZ) on 01/06/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

Egg whites cured fever for a baby 5months old. I really want to thank you because that really worked. i didn't know what else to do. in the hospital they really didn't do anything, they just give him fluids. im so thankful i got in the internet -- that was my last option. next time i know to get in the internet first.
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Mike (Prescott, AZ) on 12/29/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

Infected bursitis caused elevated body temperature. Pharmacy provided medications would not reduce temperature. I tried your egg white cure and my temperature went from 102.7 to 99.6 in two hours. I am a senior(65 ) and had never heard of this before. Thank you for this very imformative and helpful site.
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Shari (Vermont) on 12/29/2006:
1 out of 5 stars

I was desperate to try something natural, but our daughter is very sensitive and afraid so our usual remedies (garlic paste on feet, garlic oil rub on chest, frozen towel on neck treatment) weren't practical for her. It took me almost an hour to convince her to try it, we soaked white clothes in the egg whites, wrapped her feet and put on big socks over them. Then we waited an hour and absolutely nothing happened. I was afraid she would start getting more upset at that point and also that the fever would get higher than 104, so we stopped.

Luis (Odessa, TX) on 12/26/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

My 11 year-old boy had a high fever of 103.5 and in an attempt to find something that would work, I googled for a way to bring the fever down and stumbled upon your website. My wife soaked some paper towels with the eggwhites and put them on his feet and held them in place with some of my socks.....yes, he told us it felt "weird in a slimy way" but after 30 minutes the fever had gone down to 100.2. THANK YOU so much for sharing this remedy!
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Iris (Austin, TX) on 12/19/2006:
1 out of 5 stars

I tried the egg whites remedy on my 5 year old who's had his roller coaster fever (varies from 100-103F) for 5 days now. I drenched the egg whites onto paper towels and wrapped them on his feet and then added socks for about 30 minutes. Other than the fact that it was cold and slimy, it did nothing to lower his fever. I am glad I found this website though, as I then tried the apple cider vinegar method (remedy #3), and that one worked!!! I also gave him 1 teaspoon of it mixed with 1 tsp of honey. In less than 5 minutes, all the gunk that had made him congested came oozing out! It was the strangest thing to witness (not to mention a bit gross) but he was very happy that he could breathe through his nose again! We did it one more time and he was able to cough up and expel a lot of the stuff that was in him. Hopefully this will be the turning point and will get rid of the flu faster!! Thanks for this website!
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Jenna (Colbert, GA) on 12/18/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I used rags soaked in egg whites on feet to reduce fever.. My son has had a fever for 7 days. His fever has ranged from 100.5 to 104.2 He has been in the hospital 1 day to receive IV fluids for dehydration and received further testing...all of which were negative. He had only slightly elevated white blood cell count (16,000). I've been alternating acetominaphen with ibuprofen. I've also used lukewarm baths when the fever was over 103. Nothing however ever took the fever below 100.5 Today a friend found your website. She called me and asked me to try this. For some reason, I immediately said..I'll try it. My son cried and didn't want the squishy cold egg white rags on his feet, but my daughter and I worked to pull my husband's larger socks over them and I left them on 2 hrs. His fever went from 102 to 100.2 He then laid down for a nap and woke at 4pm...which is when his fever usually begins to spike. He had NO FEVER! He was even below at 96 degrees! While I realize the fever may come back, I am amazed enough to want to write and share with others...try this!
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