Aspirin And Zinc for Fever

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Tish (Toronto, On, XA) on 10/07/2010
5 out of 5 stars

High fever: hello everyone, just a feedback, been down with a fever since monday, 103 is way high!!

I tried the egg whites didn't work, but now I know why cause it is a viral fever.

Tried ted's remedy, crushed the zinc tablet took it w/water also took asprin, well what do you know the fever is down to 100, and only did it once last nite and once this morning!! (my hubby is still wondering what i did! lol). So if its viral, egg white will not help. I'm sure it has worked for a lot of ppl.

My bronchitis was starting up so half lemon 1tab raw honey and icap ful of acv, stopped the bugger right away!! love my fav website "earthclinic".