Parasite Cleanse for Eye Issues

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David (Portland, Oregon) on 07/22/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I've been through so much with my eyes for the last six years. I've suffered with dry, red, itchy and gritty eyes. My eyes are especially dry when I'm sleeping. Sometimes the itching eyes can just makes me crazy .

I also traveled extensively to some remote places I always thought I picked up something in my travels. Anyhow, I've done lots of research and I've tried everything listed here only to have them work temporarily. I've seen opthamologist with all of their sophisticated equipment. and in-depth tests. I finally just gave up on getting any real help there .

One day it occurred to me that it felt like something was moving in eyes and so I itched it... When I arrived home I looked at my eyes with a magnifying glass that it looked like a very small thread like wormy parasite with a head and tail .. A floater or trichonsis ? More research and I found that many others were reporting seeing this thin thread like thing in their eyes too. One woman had an eye condition glacoma or floater or something like that and took a parasite cleanse. And her condition was gone! She took the parastic cleanse kit the one by _ulda Clark. I didn't buy that one I just went to the herb store for my supplies .

The parasitic cleanse is one where you take Wormwood and Black Walnut Green tincture to kill the parasites and then you take Clove tincture oil to kill the eggs. You MUST TAKE them altogether to end the parasites life cycle and infestation. So I started two weeks ago. Now my eyes are no longer red, burning, gritty or itchy at all in fact my eyes are white and clear! My dry eyes have really beginning to improve I use an amazing Homeopathic remedy _imilasan Dry Eye Relief . I also use a potatoe ( grated potatoes)in a very warm compress on my eyes two times a day morning and evening which feel pretty nice, and eat 1 tablespoon three times a day of organic virgin coconut oil I'm doing both of these VCO AND potatoe for three weeks. Anyhow perhaps my findings will help someone else.