Vitamin A for Emphysema

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Saul (Fort Bragg, Ca) on 07/05/2013
5 out of 5 stars

This is what I am doing to treat my emphysema: I am trying an inside/outside Vitamin A cure. I have significantly changed my diet to include Vitamin A foods. These foods include cantaloupe, dried apricots, steamed spinach, sweet potatoes, dried plums, red bell peppers, salsa, and romaine lettuce. Other Vitamin A foods are liver, the fish oils, cayenne pepper, tomatoes, kale, mangos, papaya, broccoli, and dried herbs. This is the inside part of my treatment.

The outside part is something I started about 5 weeks ago. I take spinach leaves and dry them out over three or four days. (I'm using the heat from my TV to slowly dry them out. I don't trust microwaving or conventional ovens, because I've read that vitamins begin to breakdown at 225 degrees.) I take the dried spinach leaves and crumble them into a dope vaporizer bowl heated to 225-230 degrees and inhale and hold my breath like smoking dope. The first time I tried this I was totally surprised that I didn't taste anything and that there was no irritation or coughing afterwards. I smoke just 2 bowls of spinach a day.

These are the results so far: It took about a week before I started noticing any results after I started vaporizing the spinach. The first result that I really noticed was that I stopped having to take a nap after my token daily walk. I retired in 2012 at age 62 because I couldn't keep up at work. I haven't had to use oxygen but I didn't have any energy. For my heart, my doctor wanted me to exercise (walking was all I could do and I didn't have energy for that after working) for an hour a day. Before starting on my "cure" I walked from 45 to 60 minutes a day about 5 times a week. And always afterward, I'd have to take a nap or fall asleep on the couch for one or two hours. So when I stopped nodding out after my walk, I really noticed it. Then I started noticing other changes. I stopped having cold feet. I woke up in the morning with more energy. During my walks I had more energy. I started striding instead of strolling. Because of the striding I was walking farther, and then I was walking longer. At first, at least for an hour and that became an hour and fifteen minutes. My excitement has just grown and I am now up to two hours daily of hard striding going aprox. 6-7 miles at a time, six days a week.

The logic behind what I'm doing: I had been looking online for emphysema research for treatment and cures. One thing I found was a report of an experiment with mice in 1998 where artificial emphysema was reversed with retinoic acid. Retinoic acid is a metabolized form of Vitamin A. Retinol is used in skin creams to rejuvenate skin cells. UCLA did a study in the early 2000's with humans but they didn't have any positive results. But I did find a note that suggested that if they had increased the dosage of retinoic acid …. Also, in an N.I.H./ web site, I read about a German doctor who had developed an aerosol form a Vitamin A to treat kids in the Congo who were deficient in A. (I even found his US patent application.)

So, as I understand it, emphysema is when the alveoli sacs in the lungs can't hold their shape when the lungs are exhaling. The alveoli sacs are surrounded by tiny capillaries and this is where oxygen is absorbed into the blood. So with the diet I have metabolized Vitamin A inside the blood, and with the vaporized spinach I'm working on the alveoli sacs from the outside.

I don't know if this will work for anyone else, but I am so excited about my own results I felt I had to share this. When I read about other peoples' problems with emphysema I kind of feel like mine hadn't progressed that far. And I had already stopped smoking tobacco and marijuana. So these factors may effect the results

Cautionary notes: It is possible to overdose on Vitamin A. It can cause nausea, liver problems, jaundice, and even hair loss. At one point I added a fish oil supplement while still maintaining the diet and I started getting heavy post nasal drip. When I stopped taking the supplement that went away.