Hydrogen Peroxide for Emphysema

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Sunshine (Canada) on 06/14/2020
5 out of 5 stars

For emphysema, I use Hydrogen peroxide 3%. I get a thick face cloth up with water squeeze it, I have this tray I put my face cloth on which both my feet can be placed on the Face Cloth. I then pour hydrogen peroxide on the face cloth so it is soaked but not wasting. I placed both my feet on there for 10 minutes or more until my breathing improves. That works for me.

MB Canada thankful 🥰breath.

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Tom (NJ) on 02/25/2019
5 out of 5 stars

I have emphysema. Some of you might be familiar with a Russian breathing device known as the Frolov Breathing Device. I use one of these. The use of water is used in this device. For those of you familiar with this Russian Breathing Device you know it is used with all pulmonary disorders. I don't use water, well not exactly. The US government rates .05% hydrogen peroxide as "GRAS". (Generally Regarded As Safe) This is the strength I use. I take 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide and cut it by a factor of 60. (e.g. For example, by adding 1 oz of 3% HP to 59 oz of distilled water you will have 60 oz of .05% food grade hydrogen peroxide.)



Sue R. (Goderich) on 08/20/2018
5 out of 5 stars

I have in the past few weeks been taking 2 drops of 35% peroxide in a 6oz glass of water each morning. I suffer from emphysema, it has made a remarkable improvement to my condition; I am disgusted with the FDA for trying to bury this instead of promoting it. I am not sure what but something needs to be done to fight this cover-up.
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Barbara (Uk) on 08/08/2017
5 out of 5 stars

I have emphysema. I have had it for 10 years. I am very bad with it but about 5 years ago, I started taking h2o2 35% food grade. I took it in my tea and yes some mornings it made me sick but then I just reduced my intake for a few days then tried again.

I can say that my breathing was brill. My stairs are split by a landing so your talking 8 steps to the landing. I could not climb those stairs with out stopping and puffin and when I got to the top I deffo could not talk but after taking h202 for prob 2 weeks, I could climb to the top and talk and when I got up there I would take again. But I don't seem to be able to buy h2o2 35% food grade and they use it in America and Canada but they don't use it here because it can't be patented. There's no money in it for them as it is a natural substance and is used widely.

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Neil.delfos (Australia) on 10/29/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I am a 66 year old ex heavy smoker and drinker. I was diagnosed wih copd atheritis etc I have just purchased my second 500mill bottle of food grade h2o2 my cripling arthritis has gone and i am breathing a lot better.
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Suzannah (North Salem, New York, Us) on 06/22/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Jan, 35% food grade H2O2 is helping increase my blood oxygen levels from the usual 93 to 96% by using 8 ounces of it in a tub of warm (not hot) water, harmless, absorbing through the skin for 20 minutes. Vaporizing overnight with 1 oz 35% food grade H2O2 to 1 gallon distilled water in a Cool Mister is something I also want to try when the weather is cooler and not humid. Suzannah
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Jerome (Cameron Park, Ca., America) on 07/23/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Hi Ruby!

Jerome here - I too have emphysema and have been reading this forum for about 3 years. I have tried nearly everything people have posted here that worked for them. Most of it did not work for me. I think I had a hard core case. I smoked for 17 years and had pnemonia 4 times in 7 years and ended up with a lot of scar tissue. I quit smoking 2 years ago. I used to smoke a pack every 4 days.

What does work for me is Nebulizing H2O in 3% H2O2 and a really good product called Oralmat. These products I have been using for only 2 weeks and I am really amazed at how much it is helping me. I use my Pro Air half of what I did before I started these 2 products. I am breathing easier and my breathing capacity is increasing. I used to wake up congested with thick mucus and now its been 2 days and no morning mucus!

I have had Emphysema for about 3 years and it was getting worse no matter what I did. I don't smoke and the thick mucus would build up and it would take over an hour in the morning for me to be able to do much. Now, I get the most done in the morning!!

Also, I have found that prayer and affirmations have really helped.

Good luck and I will keep everyone here posted on my progress.

My short term goal is to get off prescription breathing medications!

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Marcus (Lake Charles, Louisiana) on 11/08/2010
5 out of 5 stars

You should be aware that I got my dad (77yo long time smoker) some food grade H2O2 and he uses a sinus pump filled with a 3% solution (inhales it about 12 pumps per day) and his emphysema has all but disappeared in 2 weeks time.
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Slowryder (Lake Charles, Louisiana, United States) on 11/08/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I have some wonderful news. I recently bought a bulk supply of 35% fg for my dad, who has emphysema; he is 77 and was a heavy smoker for many years. He was to the point where he would take a few steps and just had absolutely no wind left. Anyhoo, he now uses a nasal pump bottle filled w/ a 3% solution. He does about 4-6 pumps, 2-3 times a day (for the past couple weeks). I went to his house this past weekend and he pulled me off to the side and told me "Hey, I want to tell you that the peroxide really seems to be working. I can work around the yard and don't get winded at all anymore, when I stop it is because of my hip" (He has a reconstructed hip. So there is some solid evidence that peroxide really works. After only 2 weeks he has gone from being able to walk only 50-100 feet at a time to not getting winded anymore. Some of this will be attributed to the fact that he gets more excercise now, which will accelerate the healing effect. This site is truly a blessing from God Cheers!
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S (Los Angeles, CA) on 11/28/2006
5 out of 5 stars

Hydrogen peroxide diluted with water and also the inhaling method cured my emphysema; wow what a difference in an hour and half or so... very chronic for about week, could hardly breath.