Dypsnea: Alternative Treatments

Modified on Jun 17, 2016 | Earth Clinic Team

Few issues are as concerning as breathing problems or shortness of breath; however, such issues are quite common. While different individuals experience shortness of breath, medically termed dyspnea, the condition is typically described as a feeling of intense tightness in the chest. Likewise, the issue may be similar to that of suffocation. The severity and frequency of dyspnea is typically dependent upon the cause of the disorder. Many healthy individuals experience shortness of breath due to common factors such as vigorous exercise, extreme temperatures, excessive body weight, and high altitude. If an individual experiences shortness of breath outside of these factors, the cause is likely a medical concern.

Typical causes of dyspnea can be linked to heart and lung conditions, as the heart and lungs are responsible for the transport of oxygen to the tissues as well as the removal of carbon dioxide from the body. Common problems with these systems include asthma, carbon monoxide poisoning, cardiac tamponade, heart attack, low blood pressure, pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, pneumothorax, and upper airway obstruction. Some instances of shortness of breath are chronic. Typical causes of this type of dyspnea include asthma, COPD, heart dysfunction, interstitial lung disease, and obesity.

Natural Asthma Remedies and Treatment for Dyspnea

Typical asthma remedies and treatment for dyspnea are determined based on the cause. Natural treatment methods are generally considered effective for treating a wide range of breathing issues. A daily dose of ? a teaspoon sea salt and ? teaspoon baking soda dissolved in water can drastically reduce if not cure episodes of breathlessness. Additionally, a mixture of apple cider vinegar and baking soda or lime and baking soda balances the body’s sodium levels and also helps treat breathing issues.

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List of Remedies for Dypsnea