Salt Water Cleanse for Diverticulitis

5 star (1) 

Misty (Indiana, Usa) on 02/07/2014:
5 out of 5 stars

Salt Water Cleanse for Diverticulitis: Dissolve 2 tsp non-iodized, natural salt (such as Himalayan pink salt or sea salt) in 1 liter warm water. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach. When you first feel the urge to go, just resist the urge and let the solution "brew" in your intestines for about 30 minutes (or more if you can stand it). When you feel you can't stand it any longer, visit the toilet. This will likely result in one semi-solid defecation and 3 or more liquid ones. Avoid eating anything until you can go one hour without evacuating your bowels (which takes about 5 hours for me), then have light meals for the rest of the day. Repeat in 2 days, increasing the salt to up to 3 tsp, if you are not feeling any better. Once you are feeling better, it is important to eat a high-fiber diet and drink plenty of water to prevent flare-ups.

I first decided to try this remedy after having a flare-up due to taking calcium/magnesium/zinc tablets (calcium can cause constipation). After suffering for a few days with pretty severe pain, I figured I would try this remedy. I believe this remedy works by dissolving the contents of diverticula while reducing swelling and inhibiting bacterial growth. The next morning, I woke up pain-free!

Note that using iodized salt in this remedy probably will work but is dangerous because it may result in iodine poisoning. For best results, use filtered water or boiled tap water. I would advise doing this on a day when you are going to be home all day because you'll feel the urge to run to the bathroom throughout the day. Avoid passing gas when not on the toilet because it will probably not just be gas!

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