Probiotics and Broccoli Sprouts for Diabetes Type II

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P. Raghavan. (Virudhunagar, TN, India.) on 09/15/2019:
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The human body is home of trillions of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other tiny organisms. They are called microbes. An average healthy adult has about 15 % bad microbes and 85 % good (probiotic) microbes in the digestive system. This can be determined by stool testing. When the gut flora contains too many harmful (bad) microbes and not enough good microbes, an imbalance can occur. This is known as probiotic imbalance or dysbiosis.

There is a video available in the net titled “Type 2 Diabetes may be caused by gut bacteria” from diabetes research centre at The Netherland. This top research centre is supported by both The Netherland and China. According to researchers at that centre, Type 2 Diabetes have probiotic imbalance in their digestive system. Probiotic imbalance problem can be corrected by one of the four ways:

1) Increase the count of probiotic microbes directly by consuming probiotics. Probiotis can be kefir (one cup per day in the morning on empty stomach) , multi-strain probiotic capsule / tablet ( one per day in the morning before breakfast), mung bean soaked fermented water ( soak 1/3 cup of mung bean in 1 ½ cup of water for 12 hours; drink this fermented water in the morning on empty stomach), etc.

2) Increase the count of probiotic microbes indirectly by consuming fibre-rich foods like flax seed (27 % fibre) , cinnamon powder (53 % fibre), etc. Fibres are foods for probiotic microbes and they will help to multiply very fast. Recently, I met a person who was Diabetes 2. He took flax seed regularly at night for about 6 months. He is no longer Diabetes 2.

3) Decrease the count of bad microbes directly by consuming hydrogen peroxide, apple cider vinegar, colloidal silver, etc. at proper concentration. It requires about 5 times more energy to kill probiotic microbes than the energy required to kill bad microbes.

4) Decrease the count of bad microbes indirectly by reducing the consumption of sugar or increasing consumption of probiotics. Sugar is the food for bad microbes. Probiotic microbes can prevent growth of harmful microbes by secreting toxins and antibodies that inhibit growth of bad microbes.
Once the probiotic imbalance problem is corrected, fasting blood sugar level will come to normal level since fasting blood sugar is mostly due to bad microbes in the digestive system. One may also take fibre-rich foods at night to reduce treatment time.

If a person is suffering from diabetes 2 for a long time, it is possible to have a large number of damaged cells in the body due to high blood sugar. When a person eats food, the blood sugar will go up. Normal cells will store sugar and release sugar when the body needs sugar. Damaged cells will not store any sugar. If the body has a large number of damaged cells, blood sugar level 2 hours after eating will be high. There is a need to convert damaged cells into normal cells. For that, one has to take nutrtious foods containing antioxidants, alkalizing minerals (magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium), chlorophyll, etc. I am suggesting one of the following two simple ways for this:

1) Take one or two cups of broccoli sprouts per day. Broccoli sprouts are rich in sulphur -based antioxidant, alkalizing minerals and chlorophyll.


2) Take one or two cups of green drinks extracted from spinach, cilantro, wheatgrass, etc. Add antioxidants like turmeric and black pepper, cinnamon powder, grape seeds, etc. to this green drink.

It will take about 2 to 3 months to see improvements.

Best wishes.
P. Raghavan.

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