Pacific Coast Lady (Crescent City, CA) on 06/18/2021:
I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in January of this year, 2021. I set to work searching for answers/healing through videos of Doctors on the subject, nutrition, EC, just everything I could get my hands on for alternatives to drugs they wanted me to take. I started by emptying my cupboard of carbs/sugars but had a good understanding of the fruits and vegies that were low-carb. I won't go into what I eat exactly because I think the macronutrients are most important, and the amounts of, Proteins, Fats, Carb percentages of my daily diet.
70% Fats (good fats) or 113 grams
20% Protein or 73 grams
10% Carbs or 36 grams (I usually just keep this below 50 grams)
I am way not perfect, but I try to be in the ball-park and one thing I do is weigh my foods, I know my BMI, and my Total Daily Energy Expenditure. Mine is about 1450. Another story if anyone wants to know.
So my numbers were pretty high on the diagnosis in January, 7.4 mmol/l or 134 mg/dl. Maybe to some of you that is low but it is considered Diabetic so I hit the ground running. I was scared. My numbers gradually decreased, and my last HbA1c was very good at 6.2 mmol/l (safe range is 4.2 to 5.7). Today I'm getting numbers no higher than 6.0, and recently numbers like 5.4 and 5.2.
As a side benefit, I've lost 16 lbs. I don't miss the sugar at all, have learned to bake with Almond Flour, and I like Stevia as a sweetner in my coffee. Real Stevia by Purisure. Dr. Berg's videos have helped me the most, and also, Dr. Benjamin Bikman on Insulin Resistance which I'm convinced I had long before the T2 came along.
I so hope someone else is helped by this, Denise
PS I really don't exercise enough, but as my energy increases due to diet changes I've already made, and my body rejuvenates itself through those changes, I expect to be doing more. I am 68 and headed for a camping trip (tent-camping) with a friend to one of our Oregon lakes for a week of kayaking and just enjoying the outdoors with some friends, and my little dog Mimmie ;)
PSS forgot to mention my supplements: Magnesium, B Vitamins, C, D3, E, ALA, Taurine, Zinc