Banaba Leaf Extract for Diabetes Type II

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Lilrose (Haththorne) on 11/04/2016:
5 out of 5 stars

My brother was recently diagnosed with type 2 . I found banaba leaf for him. He is off medaforam, takes 2 400 mg a day of banaba with a good diet. His blood sugar is great.
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Lal Anar (Minnesota) on 11/16/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

Banana Leaves extract helps in reducing High Blood Sugar.

I would go with combination of Half teaspoon of banana leaves extract along with half teaspoon Cinnamon. Boil them together, make the tea, after that mix 1 spoon of Apple Cider Vinegar. Taste might not be yummy for new drinkers, but once you developed it, yummy!

Warning: This Combo may bring your sugar level down fast only if you are taking regular diabetes meds.

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Hooplahoo (Manassas, Virginia, Usa) on 04/09/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

For Diabetes: Banaba Leaf or Berberine. Sometimes the products will include both. 500mg of Berberine HCI has been really effective for me. It definitely works. Hope this helps.
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