Multiple Remedies for Detoxification

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Sue M. (Worden, Il, Usa) on 07/17/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Thank you all so much for all your stories that you have shared with the rest of us on your struggles and pain with your health. We all learn from one another and this website and contributions from everyone is a beautiful gift we give to each other to learn and grow.

I am a firm believer in all the wonderful benefits from VCO. It cured my candida and keeps my fever blisters outbreaks down to a minimum. But, recently I started taking a combination of VCO, (3 tbs) Hemp oil, (1 tbs) Hemp seeds, (2 tbs) and Chia seeds, (2 tbs) which was recommended by nutiva website. I have found that my skin is plumping out and is so soft and healthy looking. My varicose veins are significantly reduced and along with alkalizing, I feel great. I am 62. I thought it was too much healthy fat, and did gain about 3 lbs at first, but that has leveled off.

Another thing I wanted to contribute is I thought for the longest time that I had a sluggish liver and do the appropriate steps for detoxing, ( lemon juice, milk thistle, etc) but while doing some research, I came across how important the lymphatic system is to our liver in order for it to work at its best. So, I have been doing saunas, dry brushing, running in place (do not have a trampoline) and proper diet. Do some reading on the lymphatic system. It's amazing to me how the body can heal itself, if we only help it along. Bless you all.

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Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa ) on 11/16/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

HI U GOOD PEOPLE DOIN, , , , , , , , ,

Thought I'd be smart when I reached 65 and that did not happen. Set next goal at 75 which is in a few weeks. I got my doubts about that number too.

Anyways, let me ramble a bit about what I have learned. Several years ago a dear friend had a stroke and was paralyzed and put into a nursing home. I had never been to a nursing home. I had never seen folks is such shapes. I was shook. I do not want to go out that way. I started to read and did a hair test to see what bad stuff I got into my body. I was loaded with heavy metals and started on a crude detox program. The program did have some good points in that it had flushing Niacin to dilate your capillaries and bentonite to flush out stuff in you innards.

Next we found an anti aging doctor and got into quality supplements and also hormone modulation. Next, I built a custom Far infrared Sauna. Then we began detox baths using Epsom Salt, Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Then I learned of GSE and started using that to keep my nose from becoming a mushroom factory. We bought a juicer and started juicing and we also bought an alkaline water ionizer. We garden and raise our own veggies and fruit and berries. Then we learned of DHEA Chelation and got into that. The pluggage in my corroded arteries went from 50% to 10% so don't tell me that chelation does not work.

I learned that all our vegetable oils now come from genetically modified crops because I personally called Con Agri and they told me that all their Canola Oils are from altered plants. They now no longer use the word Modified because it is not P.C. So here is what we do now.... First we use virgin olive oil and next virgin Coconut oil and last we use Hog lard that I render myself. Every year I buy about 10 # of leaf lard from the local slaughter house and render it in a crock pot on our back stoop. It makes the most beautiful white lard you have ever seen. Now the store bought stuff is hydrogenated and all sorts of bad stuff. This lard is what my gand paw made and he lived to be 90.

We have also done the parasite cleanse and even bought a zapper. We just had a CEDSA test and we got parasite and virus problems we had no clue. That's where we are now. The tester even picked up that I had had a vaccine shot for shingles when my wife came down with it and almost lost her eyesight. I am convinced that Hulda Clark was ahead of her time. I read her book and believe in her.

We do lots of stuff that Earth Clinic folks believe in. We spray our throat every morning with hydrogen peroxide and we don't have the flu or colds, but we also don't shake hands at church starting in October. We do the lemon, ACV, baking soda tonic every morning along with a couple of drops of iodine. I spray my knee with hydrogen peroxide every morning and am good to go. It was treated for a year by MD's with no help.

After our Thanksgiving feast with younguns we will start our 10 day liver and lymph detox limited fast which includes 3 days of crucifers and concludes with a liver flush. This rids you of all the stones in your liver and gall bladder. This year we are adding a week of coffee enemas. All this time we will be doing mineral baths and saunas.

Hell to get old and living on borrowed time. Your strength is your mind, read and learn. Quit asking for a quick fix for there is none.

Yo buddy======ROBERT HENRY========

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