Liver Detoxification: Garlic, Acv Tea for Detoxification

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Bobbie (Sacramento ) on 03/24/2023
5 out of 5 stars

I need to detox after TKA (total knee arthroplasty) and six weeks of meds! So you swallow the garlic and mix the vinegar in the tea to sip?

Brendo (Georgia) on 08/21/2006
5 out of 5 stars

The recipe:

3 cloves of garlic cut up in pill sizes
3 tbls. apple cider vinigar and
reg. tea at night.

1 cup a day. Catch the garlic on spoon and swallow like pills, then drink before bed EVERY NIGHT.

This remedy honestly cured my liver, and polyps, acid reflux, gave me energy , made my nails and hair grow. I have taken medicine all my life for seizures, had surgery and the drs can't believe the difference. This drink detoxes your blood, cleans out your system. I have been drinking this for 6 years people and have yet to have a cold, sickness. It is a natural blood thinner, the garlic. It's an old Indian antibiotic. It was a blessing for me and my husband who has high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and prostate problems. It is a cure, I am living proof. my liver is fine for 5 yrs now, polyps are gone, and no other ailments, please try it. Pills are no good for your organs. The tea will heal them brenda t