Juicing for Detoxification

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Alley (Hell, Pa) on 04/06/2013
5 out of 5 stars

asparagus juice

totally unrelated to anything ehrer but I had potassium deffiency and we made asparagus one for dinner one night

well you know all those chunks on the asparagus you cant seem soft enough to chew without teeth (one of the reasons juicing was invented just add in pulp in my opinon, so what if it looks like baby food you are gettign your vieggies in). well we did it, I had a osteo infection in my to I was also low on agnesium, calcium, vit d and sick allth e time falling apart and so on. well this recipie go me phone call back from my kidney doctor and the wound clinic.

so I juiced the hard ends, you get a lot of them and (at the cost of eggies anymore, I thought it was wasteful to feed them to the critters in the woods) you gotta go slow and take your time they do take a while to juice up. you get a really thick green thing of juice I tosssed in garglic (natures antibiotic) and stirred in some kep, I can not remember what else. 9at least I did not add the apple cider vinegar. Oh also cayanne pepper, if I recall it's eben a few motnhs. Since my old juicer broke down. :( it only lasted two years.

*ick, good for liver mixed in water*

but when the blodwork came in (the blood work was taken three daysafter id did this) they said my levels were soooo high and stop whateveri was doing. sad thing is, that bone infection well, I was the fasest healign person in the wound clinic.

i would only recomend this about once a week. the drink is thick and its kinda yukky drink but it worked. that is all I have to say. plug your nose vbefore you drink it. oh and I am glas I chose kep and not the moss for the kidneys I can't seem to be able to keep the moss down.