Dental Nerve Healing for Dental Extraction Pain

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Gracie (Seattle) on 03/20/2016:
5 out of 5 stars

An Asian mushroom has been proved to regenerate nerves is Hericium erinaceus (also called lion's mane mushroom, bearded tooth mushroom) easily found in Asian food specialty stores.

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Ben (Bremerton Washington ) on 03/06/2016:
5 out of 5 stars

Cayenne pepper works great for dental pain. it is a powerful antiinflammatory, kills germs that cause abscess, and blocks pain transmission signals. Cayenne contains what researchers call "substance p", a chemical that works to block pain signals. Years ago I had terrible tooth ache. pI ut a pinch of cayenne in there and in about 20 minutes, no more pain.

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Kb (Nm) on 03/05/2016:
5 out of 5 stars

My dr said take 2 T. organic coconut oil a day to heal dental nerves. You can use part of it for cooking etc.

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