Deep Sleep Remedies

10 Effective Remedies to Enhance Deep Sleep for Optimal Restoration

Modified on Jan 25, 2024

Deep sleep, characterized by delta brain waves and also known as slow-wave sleep (SWS) or non-rapid eye movement (NREM) stage 3 sleep, plays a crucial role in physical and cognitive restoration, memory consolidation, and emotional regulation.

As we age, our sleep patterns often undergo significant changes, with one of the most notable alterations being the reduction in deep sleep duration. Hormonal changes are among the primary factors contributing to the disruption of deep sleep cycles in older individuals.

This article will explore the nature of deep sleep, its importance for overall health, and how aging and hormonal changes can disrupt deep sleep cycles. Additionally, we will discuss how smartwatches can monitor deep sleep and provide a list of top 10 remedies to enhance deep sleep and improve overall sleep quality.

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