Sugar for Cuts

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Juanita (N. O., La. USA) on 11/28/2008
5 out of 5 stars

For years I have used sugar (straight out of the sugar bowl) mixed in a bit of antibiotic ointment to make a paste and applied it on a bandage to cure cuts... The sugar will not allow bacteria to grow... and will heal the cut twice as fast! When I was a kid (40 years ago) my grandmother used to make a paste of sugar, shaved pure Octogen soap (do they still sell it?) and a few drops of Mineral Spirits and apply that mix on a bandage to treat deep cuts and it worked like a miracle!

I modified grams recipe using the antibiotic ointment and it seems to work as well...

Sugar can also be used to treat bedsores with amazing results... I used it to cure my sisters bedsore after she suffered a stroke and was bedridden for 4 months... the doctors in the hospital tried to treat it unsuccessfully for 6 weeks! They would not allow me to put the suger mix on it at all in the hospital. When she was released, I used the sugar mix and it was well in a little over a week! Her doctor was very surprised at that result!

Thanks for this lovely site and to all those who contribute to the info! God bless...
Juanita B.

REPLY   2      

Lisa (Lawton, OK) on 05/20/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Yes, I have heard nurses at work talking about using sugar and betadine/iodine to heal wounds.

Sandi (Oroville, CA) on 05/17/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Have you ever heard of using "sugar" to heal wounds? When I was young, our dog opened a large area near his scrotum that would not heal..My father suggested we pour sugar on it. The wound healed in less than one week. Has anyone else heard of this?