Royal Jelly for Cuts

5 star (1) 

Showing 5 Star Reviews

Kareng (Sugarland, Texas, Usa) on 02/13/2012
5 out of 5 stars

My daughter had a 2inch wide 1inch deep gash in the bend of her leg; probably from an abcess. I searched EC for help but could find nothing on Open Wounds. I began with GoldenSeal and Honey from my own bees. There was no infection but I wanted to avoid Staph and get the wound closed up asap.

I finally went by my local Vitamin Store and asked for help. They suggested cleaning the wound with Black Soap and then applying Royal Jelly-also from those precious bees. I began applying only the Royal Jelly in the wound and after only 3 days the wound is almost totally closed. I only applied the Royal Jelly twice a day and bathed her once a day with the Black Soap.

Everyone needs to know how AWESOME this stuff is!