Coconut Oil for Cracked Heels

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Megan (London) on 10/22/2018
5 out of 5 stars

I have severely dry feet with horribly cracked heels, esp in the fall and winter months. I have been testing various remedies to see which one works best the past few years. My remedy tests include pure shea butter, olive oil and coconut oil, all applied externally and massaged into the bottom of the feet. I have also tried taking borage, fish and evening primrose oils (not altogether, one at a time).

Hands down, fastest and best results were applying coconut oil and then putting a cotton sock on. I do this twice at night, before or after dinner and then again before going to sleep and in the morning my feet are impressively softer with less indentation in the cracks. Not terribly fond of the coconut oil smell, but learning to live with it!

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Dana (Larose, Louisiana/ Usa) on 03/16/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I battled with painful bleeding cracked heels for years, I put this lotion and that lotion with no real improvement. I finally discovered Cracked heel balm at walmart and tried it. It worked great but I could never stop treatment more than a day or two. I do still use it when I get lazy and forget to take care of my feet.

The best thing I ever did for my feet is get a good pair of shoes. I loved being barefoot and when I did wear shoes they were flat and light. When I started wearing a good pair of walking shoes with socks everyday my heels got better. With the added heel cream they were like new. I started using a pumice in the tub for daily care and now I use a little heeltastic before I put on my socks and I hardly ever have trouble, only if I have to go a few days in a dress shoe or a flat tennis shoe. I've recently started using coconut oil and it does a good job too, heeltastic is easier and does a great job. Also I love the ped egg! Not the grater part but the smoother part, feet like a baby!