Ivermectin for Coronavirus

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Denise C. (Laguna Woods, CA) on 05/02/2021:
5 out of 5 stars

My functional medicine doctor MD prescribed Ivermectin and is recommending all patients not to take any vaccines. She took it herself when her son passed on COVID to her and said her symptoms were mild for 1 day.

She still takes it as she flies at least once a month.

I got my supply from a compounding pharmacy in Orange County, CA. Maybe it's me. I would not take it from a pet feed supply store. no way of being sure what you are getting besides Ivermectin.

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Kathy (Waukesha, WI) on 05/02/2021:
5 out of 5 stars

My daughter and I both got COVID at the same time. Her symptoms were quite severe, and we had just read about ivermectin. We found some animal grade Ivermectin at our local tractor and feed store in the horse section. It’s for deworming horses, but don’t be alarmed. Within 24 hours we were both much better and within three days we were almost completely well. Farm and Fleet also carries it. I’ve seen very credible doctors on YouTube who said that it would not hurt to take the veterinary ivermectin. I can tell you it didn’t hurt and it cured us both for only $3.95.
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Dennis E. (Illinois) on 02/11/2021:
5 out of 5 stars

Ivermectin has been very effective for treating covid in our family. Usually within around 24hr reversing the symptoms. Also Zn is very important to take with hydroxychloroquine. If you go to frontlinedoctors.com they can prescribe either hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin after a consultation. I believe the fee is $90. A friend received their prescription after suffering for 15 days from Covid and it cleared up within a very short time and cannot say for sure which they prescribed for her but she was very sick.
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Kaylee (Oregon) on 12/24/2020:
5 out of 5 stars

It does work, in fact covid19 would stop in it's tracks . Effective protocols is Ivermectin Dr. Pierre Kory works with doctors that are the most published in their field in the world. He testified at the senate about Ivermectin miraculous in helping patients with covid19. His testimony went viral for a reason, it is worth watching for more data.

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Bryn (Las Vegas, NV ) on 12/24/2020:
5 out of 5 stars

Ivermectin destroys 98%of Covid 19 in 48 hrs.
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GertJr (Madison) on 12/17/2020:
5 out of 5 stars

Covid comment, no opinion:

I was at the dr yesterday for a covid test (to calm daughter for Christmas gathering) and overheard the pharma rep talking to the doc. He said they did a study of Ivermectin in covid patients. 200 hospitalized patients in each category, mild/moderate/severe Covid. 100 in each group got ivermectin, the others placebo.

Of those receiving ivermectin, 1 in the severe group got worse, 2 in the severe group showed no change, ALL the rest showed dramatic improvement. Just another nugget of info for you to consider. Also, I asked the doc about people who come back to work after quarantining with covid. He said, yes, they will shed dead virus that can infect you and, yes, you can get it through your eyes (any moist membrane). So, bear that in mind, too.

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Lbarto (Hawaii) on 08/25/2020:
5 out of 5 stars

An April article on ivermectin use in cell cultures.


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