Raw Rice for Constipation

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Erin (Los Angeles, Ca) on 04/05/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Age: 22

I feel like I have been constipated my whole life. But when I started eating raw rice for breakfast as part of a parasite purge program, I immediatly began having daily bowel movements. What I do is this: Drink 1 cup of warm water with lemon juice first thing in the morning. After about 20 minutes I eat 1/4 cup of raw rice. I soak the rice in water overnight to make it softer on my teeth. The rice should be chewed until it is liquid and then swallowed. I don't eat anything else until lunch (as part of the program, you are supposed to wait 3 hours so that the rice is the only thing going through you). About an hour after I eat the rice, I have the smoothest, most enjoyable bowel movements.

I think this works because raw rice can not be digested, so it passes right through you, scraping out the crevices of your intestines and pushing waste along.

This will probably work even in the absense of the lemon water, but I have never tried it. The lemon water first and then the raw rice is working great for me so I've never tried it without the lemon water.

**If you eat the rice and then eat other food without giving the rice sufficient time to digest, you will end up bloated with a terrbile stomach ache!