Magnesium for Constipation

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Joylie (Solana Beach, Ca) on 08/18/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Magnesium is very important for solving constipation problems. Some people take 400 to 600 mgs. I don't always take that much, but I do make sure I have plenty of magnesium. I also squirt a little magnesium oil on me.
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Warren (Costa Mesa, Ca) on 07/31/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Lots of great coments and remedies for consipition. I've tried most of them and the last thing of which I'm doing now is 1 tbsp of Epson salts with plenty of water. Epson salts is really gross tasting so I put in capsules. It takes 10 caps for a tbsp, so the going down is smooth.
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Redclary (Oklahoma City, Ok) on 06/28/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I would like to know more about pressure points. I like the results so far. I had a 9 lb breach baby 38 years ago. All turned out well but for awhile I had constipation problems like you would not believe. An older doctor that I went to told me to take 5T of Milk of Magnesia with a full glass of warm water then drink two more warm waters later in the day. Do this for week one. Next week lower it to 4T and continue for five weeks until you are down to 1T. Of course I was staying home. Everything the regular doctor and the hospital gave me did not help. This worked wonderfully and I never had any more problems with constipation after that.
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Bg43214 (Columbus, Oh, Usa) on 04/25/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I tried the ACV 'solution' for constipation and had very bad luck with it........

Now I use magnesium capsules, 500 mg. , and take one each day after suppertime...... I did not have really bad constipation, but thought I could do better in that 'department', so to speak!!

I took one capsule for 10 days in a row and got incredible results..... now I will try taking one every other day for 10 days to see what happens with that 'dosage'.......

I'm one of those 'every 2 - 3 days' kinda guys; imagine my utter amazement when, within 3 days, I was 'going' every day for 6 days in a row!!! And without any diarrhea-type misery!! I never in my life did that.......... but now I'm going to experiment with the every other day and see how that works out.....

Believe me, if you've tried everything with no luck, try magnesium capsules!!!!!!

They are far better than forcing down Apple Cider Vinegar with water everyday!! YUK!!

so grab yourself some magnesium capsules and away you'll go!!!!!!!!!!!

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Lily (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) on 03/01/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi Jennifer, I always found fibre to be very unhelpful for constipation, as soon as I started taking magnesium which I was difficient in, the constipation went away. Vitamin c in high doses will help also. Lily.
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Suzief1 (Huntington Beach, Ca) on 06/04/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

magnesium and calcium are excellent to help with constipation... Had problems my entire life and when I hit 50 decided I needed extra calcium and it was recommended to take it with magnesium for obsorbtion... I am now for the the past 6 yrs. regular and sleep like a baby! I take two pills at bedtime with a large glass of water and the results are great in the morning! Good luck... And trust me! This works!
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Mana_olana (Bremerton, Wa) on 04/09/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

Magnesium 'citrate' really helps me have a more regular BM. I take medications and have not been regular. It also relaxes you just a bit before bedtime, nothing heavy. I am very happy w/ the results. Found it in powder form at health food store, mix with four oz hot water, drink as a tea.
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Mia (Crossville, Tennessee) on 06/28/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been suffering from chronic constipation for as long as i can remember. i have taken every kind of laxative and stool softener out on the market. i have used enema's and suppositories just to help it along. i have been doing this for years until i came across this web site. so i went to my local ___store and got some magnesium oxide in 400 mg tablets. i took 1 of a morning on a empty stomach with a large glass of water and 1 of a evening before going to bed. the next day i had a very small bowl movement so i up the dosage to 2 tablets of a morning and 2 of an evening and have had a bowl movement every morning. i have been taking it for 2 weeks now and haven't felt this great in a long time. that weighted down feeling is gone and i have more energy.
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KT (Irvine, California, USA) on 04/12/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

This page has changed my life & constipation of 36 years!!!!!!!!!! It got so severe last year that I had to quit work to find the holy grail that would defeat my DNA, heredity, bad karma, stinginess (which leads to constipation) .. you name it. Needless to say constipation runs in my family. I had tried pills, herbs, various home remedies to no avail specially since last year. Coconut oil worked like a miracle too, but what really got my colon going is Calcium-Magnesium (citrate) in liquid form and some patience. It took 2 weeks to kick in but boy, I have been regular like clockwork in the morning, defeating all odds!! Moreover I have started eating foods & meats that gave me constipation earlier and it is really working wonders. I just take a tblspoon after dinner in lukewarm water. Sometimes, the solution is simple to life's biggest problems, we just need to find the solution. Magnesium really helps draw water to the colon, thereby easing the waste-elimination. Of course eat healthy and drink lots of water. And be patient with the remedies you try before they work.
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Jessica (Dartmouth, Canada) on 01/18/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

i too had this same problem develop after radical life changes in diet. what i did was to take milk of magnesia as directed and it soon had me moving. then i increased my water intake and made sure i took blackstrap molasses every 3 or 4 days to stay on track. magnesium is hard for our bodies to take in so even if you take a supplement of it, it doesnt mean that your body is absorbing it. and that was my entire problem a deficiency in magnesium. i hope this helps you
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