Lemons for Constipation

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Lis11 (Richmond, Va) on 01/31/2012
5 out of 5 stars

This works for me and I do it everyday.

Hot water, squeeze lemon/lime water into it, add about 1tb molasses or less, olive oil, 3-4 prunes. Mix and let it stand for 5 mins so the prunes can absorb some water. This works like a charm every single time. Sometimes I run out of lemons or I forget to add olive oil.. It's okay if you do. Exact measurements are not important. It still works!! I will also occasionally add other things to my tonic.. Like a small pinch of turmeric/ cinnamon etc.. you can experiment with what works for you.

Additional note: mind over matter.. Be kind to yourself. Take time to breath and relax. It really helps to be aware of your internal dialogue to see how you talk to yourself.

Peace, L

REPLY   3      

Angie (Astoria, NY) on 01/17/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I was having problems having bowel movements. A friend recommended 2 tbsps of lemon juice in hot water on an empty stomach. It helped so much. I do this everyday and don't have problems anymore. I tried fiber supplements and became bloated with pain.