Tomato Tea Feedback for Colds

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Greenergoods (New Castle, In, USA) on 06/24/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I had some [spicy tomato juice]. First day of real cold symptoms, though I realize now it's been creeping up on me. Put some in a coffee mug, added half a garlic clove (crushed in garlic press), water, lemon juice, ______ Seasoning Spray and heated in microwave for 2 minutes. Finished it 5 minutes ago and already feel 80% better! No runny nose anymore, that quick! Noticed I have started to sweat a bit. Will drink some ACV in water throughout day and have another cup of this mid-day. Wonderful.

I have previously touted cayenne pepper "tea" as a cure for a sore throat (gargle it. don't drink---see this site for recipe) and realize now that the acidic properties of juice, antioxidants, raw garlic and peppers quickly cure whatever's ailing us.

Great recipe. Thrilled to find it. I can alwasy count of Earth Clinic!