Lugol\'s Iodine for Colds

5 star (2) 

Showing 5 Star Reviews

Cindy (Shady Cove, OR) on 03/01/2004
5 out of 5 stars

I use Lugol's iodine anytime I am getting a cold. I was a chronic user of antibiotics because of asthma. I have not had a bout with bronchitis because anytime i am getting a cold or virus I put 6 drops of Lugol's in water 3 times over a 24 hour period and the infection is gone. I actually have one day colds now. I follow up with acidophilus for my stomach and milk thistle for my liver. This really works and probably will work for Bird flu if you keep a supply in your cupboard.
REPLY   2      

Sharon (Boston, MA) on 03/01/2004
5 out of 5 stars

I am exposed to a lot of viruses (around a lot of children). Twice this year I have clobbered the flu before it started by putting one drop of Lugol's iodine into a glass of water the second I start to feel weird. I have read that it is supposed to be 3 drops, but 1 seems to do the trick for me. I feel better almost instantly.