Twelve Tips for Preventing Colds and Flus

Modified on Feb 26, 2024 | Earth Clinic Team

There are many natural remedies for the cold and flu, but the very best remedy is to prevent sickness in the first place. Taking care of the body ahead of time will save the frustration of missing work or school and the misery that sickness brings. Cold and flu prevention remedies are not very expensive or difficult to implement but they do require diligence to follow through.

1. Apples

It is true, an apple a day keeps the doctor away! A daily apple provides nutrition and health benefits.1 The apple is especially likely to improve health if it is chosen instead of a candy bar as a snack. For those who really do not like apples, raw apple cider or apple cider vinegar are fantastic alternatives. Taking raw apple cider vinegar daily in water or juice has many health benefits.

2. Astragalus

Astragalus is a root vegetable commonly used in foods in some cultures. This root has immune strengthening properties. Astragalus can be taken daily in a capsule or tincture form. The root can also be bought dried and in bulk and used in rice or soups on a regular basis for immune health.

3. Garlic

With its antiviral action, garlic is a great addition to the daily diet. Fresh garlic added to salads, soups, rice, etc. will help fight viruses that come along before they take hold in the system.

4. Sunshine

It is no coincidence that there are more cold and flu viruses in the winter when there is less sunshine. If you can get some rays in the winter, that is wonderful. If not, consider a vitamin D supplement in a modest dose. (High dose vitamin D supplements taken long term can cause hypercalcemia.)

5. Vitamin C

Daily vitamin C intake does help the body fight viruses. It is difficult to get enough vitamin C in just foods. If you are going to take vitamin C on a daily basis, the most efficient way is to use ascorbic acid and baking soda to make sodium ascorbate. This is easier on the stomach that ascorbic acid. Making your own sodium ascorbate makes it easy to control the dose and avoid the fillers and artificial sweeteners common in vitamin C supplements.

Make your own Sodium Ascorbate

  • 1/8 teaspoon ascorbic acid powder plus 1/16 teaspoon baking soda will provide 625 mg of vitamin C. 
  • 1/4 teaspoon ascorbic acid powder plus 1/4 teaspoon baking soda will provide 1,250 mg of vitamin C.
  • Mix  homemade sodium ascorbate with 2-4 ounces of water. Take vitamin C 2-3 times a day. When the body has had too much vitamin C, you will begin to get loose stools. If this happens, reduce the amount of vitamin C per dose.

6. Zinc

Zinc is another important supplement for your immune health. A zinc supplement can be taken daily with a meal. 

7. Good Food and Water

Adequate water intake will keep the body and its cells properly hydrated. Water helps the body flush out toxins and keeps the kidneys working well. Herbal tea counts towards your water intake; coffee, soda and energy drinks do not. In fact, these beverages should be consumed in limited amounts if at all.

Make an effort to consume whole foods. Keep fast foods and processed foods to a minimum. Reduce sugar and white flour intake. Eat fresh fruits or nuts for a snack. Not only will a healthier diet help the body fight viruses, it will make you feel better overall.

8. Hand Washing

Frequent handwashing will prevent the spread of germs. It is not necessary to use antibacterial soaps to get hands clean. In fact, antibacterial soaps with triclosan can cause health problems over time. Lather hands up with soap and scrub for 20 seconds, then rinse. Dry hands with a clean towel. You can make your own triclosan free hand soap.

For times and places where handwashing options will be limited, make up this easy home made hand sanitizer and keep it in your purse or back pack.  You can get your hands germ free without the risks from the store bought triclosan hand sanitizers.

Home Made Hand Sanitizer

  • 1/2 cup aloe vera gel
  • 1 teaspoon glycerin (available at a pharmacy.)
  • 2 tablespoons rubbing alcohol
  • 10 drops essential oil (orange is pleasant, lavender is calming, or tea tree, which will give some extra power to a hand saniitzer but it doesn't smell as pleasant to most people)
  • fill small empty squeeze bottles with hand sanitizer

9. Exercise

Regular exercise may be the most important thing you do for your health. It promotes healthy immune function. It helps the lungs and heart to work well. Exercise increases oxygen to the lungs and thus the cells. Better oxygenation of the body helps every part of it to work better. Perhaps most important is that it improves the mood. And mood and attitude do have a direct correlation to health.

10. Rest

Rest may be one of the hardest disciplines for good health. It is so easy to skimp in this area. But the body is using rest time to heal itself. Make an effort to get regular good sleep each night. If sleep is elusive to you, see this page for ideas to cope with insomnia.

11. Relax

Stress is not good for health. Make an effort to do something that is relaxing. Take a hike. Sit in the sunshine. Read a chapter of a good book. Do a puzzle. You think you do not have time to relax. But do you have time to get sick? You do not have time NOT to relax now and then.

12. Healing Baths

Perhaps a bath is your preferred way to relax. Great! Baths are good for you! Adding some simple natural ingredients will help the bath contribute to overall health. Keeping the body detoxed will help prevent sickness. Baths are one way to detox the body.



Do you have a cold and flu prevention method that works? Please send us some feedback!

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List of Remedies for Cold Prevention