Diatomaceous Earth for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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Heather (San Diego, Ca) on 03/06/2013:
1 out of 5 stars

NAY. Diatomaceous Earth had no effect on my littany of Chronic Fagtigue related symptoms.

I used it for 7 or 8 weeks with no change or improvement in any of the things it is supposed to change or improve, and concluded that people writing in with testimonials are probably just experiencing placebo effect after taking it a few days.

It did kill earwigs (paper eating bugs) in my home though, so that justified buying it.


Elizabeth (Newry, Outside Us / Canada) on 07/02/2012:
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

I have started to take diatomaceous earth food grade for chronic fatigue/m.e. in the past few weeks.... i do feel somewhat better but i am still plagued by insomnia which negates all the remedies i am trying... has anyone found the diatomaceous earth food grade helpful?
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