Shiatsu, Magnesium, Herbs for Chronic Pain Syndrome

5 star (1) 

Miriam (Plain City, Ohio) on 03/23/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

I had bad leg pain for 6 years. It started during a time I was doing a lot of uphill walking on the treadmill daily. I had an x-ray, MRI, ultrasound and cat scan! Nothing was found. I gave up my life to this pain. I gave up a fiancee, woodworking, shopping, exercising, walking, social life. At times I didn't want to continue to live. I spent a ton of money trying all kinds of remedies of which I have a laundry basket full. Finally I tried Shiatsu soft tissue massage (accupressure) along with magnesium oil, and sometimes cats claw and pau d'arco. MY PAIN IS GONE. I HAVE MY LIFE BACK! This is something I can do lying in bed or watching TV or sitting at the computer. It is just a matter of pressing around until you find very tender areas and working out the tenderness by pushing and releasing on the muscle! I had multiple tender places over the whole leg. On the inside of the ankle, the muscle was so knotted it felt like there were tiny pebbles in there. If you are in pain like this, please investigate Shiatsu! If only someone had told me about this years ago....but I was afraid to press around on sore places for fear it would become worse! My pain decreased by 75% after the first time I tried Shiatsu on myself! I hope this helps others who are desperate, because I know how chronic pain steals your brain and takes over your whole life. Get a book on Shiatsu and prepare to be amazed!
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