Soy Lecithin for High Cholesterol

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Katkat (Lexington) on 12/21/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

I took soy lecithin for cholesterol years ago and didn't see that it made a difference. I just ordered some red yeast rice, so it should arrive Sunday afternoon and I'll start taking it. Any idea how long it takes to work? Also, as to keeping the arteries clean---it is my understanding that cholesterol acts like a bandaid in your veins, covering irritations so that they can heal. Most irritations are inflammation, so anything that corrects inflammation should correct the cholesterol issue. Inflammatory foods are sugars, processed foods/flour, etc. (I confess, I had been eating sweets since Halloween and brought my problems on myself). Anyway, I am also adding garlic and turmeric to my daily routine of niacin and acv. I am on day 4 of my bone broth fast, so will start adding dairy kefir to the diet (still taking the broth) for another 4 days. After that I'll go to the ibs diet (easy to digest, lightly cooked, mostly veggies) I'm doing this for my ibs, but it's too soon to tell if it's doing anything. So, the plan is to continue as explained here and, when it comes, add the red yeast rice to the mix. I only bought 1 bottle, so a month's supply, that's why I wondered how long it takes to work. When I go to the dr in January, I plan to have another cholesterol test done to compare results to my work one. So, I have 5 weeks to improve. Wish me luck.
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